Housing Garage

Start zone debugging

  1. Navigate to the vms_garagesv2/config/config.lua

  2. Find option Config.DebugHouseGaragesZones and set it to true

Join to your developer server

When you join your development server, you will see such green areas marked with a balls, this is the area where the garage entry point from your external housing script must be located.

Find a house

Find a house where you plan to have a garage available.

Then run your menu to get the current character coordinates (vector4)

Orient the character with his back to the entrance gate

It is important to set the correct heading for vector4, as this will be the heading for the vehicle that is leaving the garage

Register a new house garage in vms_garagesV2

  1. Navigate to the vms_garagesv2/config/config.garages.lua

  2. Find Config.HousingGarages

  3. Find the last id of the house (for example HouseGarage:32)

  4. Register a new garage

['HouseGarage:32'] = { -- SMALL GARAGE (2 VEHICLES)
    routingBucket = 10032, -- Remember to assign a unique routing bucket id

    zoneSize = 6.5, -- The area in which the player will be allowed to be in order for it to detect the player in the area
    houseCoords = YOUR_COPPIED_VECTOR4,
    exitCoords = vector4(178.74, -1006.61, -99.0, 89.23), -- Coordinates of the point to leave the garage on foot (in the interiors)

    parkingSpaces = {
        [1] = {coords = vector4(175.26, -1004.05, -100.02, 179.98)},
        [2] = {coords = vector4(171.35, -1004.15, -100.02, 178.67)},
  1. Save the file and restart the script using the console ensure vms_garagesv2

  2. Make sure zoneSize is configured appropriately

It is important that the green ball does not overlap another green ball if they are houses close to each other.

It is important that the player is located with the vehicle in the green sphere and the entry point to the garage registered by the external script on the houses is located in this area.

Last updated