In this section, you will find answers to commonly encountered issues. Remember that most errors stem from incorrect configuration, lack of required resources, or insufficient modification.
Bear in mind that troubleshooting requires patience and precision. Try to carefully analyze the errors and systematically review possible solutions.
If the issue persists after verifying the configuration and available resources, please contact the support on the VMS Discord.
No such export Notification in vms_notify
Go to vms_multichars/config/config.lua file
Find function Config.Notification
Remove vms_notify exports and add your notify events or exports
Black screen when joining a server
Make sure you install the .sql file to your database that comes with the script, and make sure you have done everything according to the section Installation
Once created, the character is frozen and cannot move.
If you are using ESX, go to es_extended/client/main.lua
Find registration of event esx:playerLoaded
Check if there are native FreezeEntityPosition functions, if so, remove them
ERROR: vms_multichars was unable to execute a query!
If you got such an error in the server console, it means that you are missing some column to correctly register the character in the users table
In case you receive, for example, such an error: Unknown column 'skin' in 'field list' this here means that you are missing the skin column in your users table and you need to install it correctly as it is required in ESX
No such export forceRespawn in resource spawnmanager