Also if you know about CSS you can create your own custom style classes or use style="" option and create your own unique look, for people who have no idea about CSS style default classes have been created which usage is shown below
<div class="header center red" onclick="useAction(1)">USE ME TO TELEPORT</div>
You can use the clickable function, e.g. to start job, to teleport on coords and many others, you add the function action to Config.Actions
Config.Actions = {
[1] = function()
-- Here you can add what you want, triggers, exports and everything
SetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId(), vector3(414.3, -978.43, 28.45)) -- thats example usage
SetEntityHeading(PlayerPedId(), 266.26) -- thats example usage
closeBook() -- this function closes the book when you press on the text above
<img src="URL_IMAGE" draggable="false"/>
The page shown above was written in this way:
const pages = {
'default': {
[1]: `
<div class="header">HEADER TEXT</div>
<div class="center">CENTER TEXT</div>
<div class="darkred">DARK RED TEXT</div>
<div class="red">RED TEXT</div>
<div class="lightred">LIGHT RED TEXT</div>
<div class="darkgreen">DARK GREEN TEXT</div>
<div class="green">GREEN TEXT</div>
<div class="lightgreen">LIGHT GREEN TEXT</div>
<div class="darkblue">DARK BLUE TEXT</div>
<div class="blue">BLUE TEXT</div>
<div class="lightblue">LIGHT BLUE TEXT</div>
<div class="yellow">YELLOW TEXT</div>
<div class="orange">ORANGE TEXT</div>
<div class="pink">PINK TEXT</div>
<div class="purple">PURPLE TEXT</div>
<div><a onclick="openUrl('URL_HERE')">CLICKABLE LINK</a></div>
[2]: `
<div class="header center red" onclick="useAction(1)">CLICKABLE FUNCTION IN GAME</div>
<img src="" style="border-radius:15px" draggable="false"/>