Using whitelist & blacklist

Using the blacklist and whitelist options can be useful to limit some workshops, below is a list of available possible values to enter for each option

Remember not to use both options at the same time, as this will not work properly, as the blacklist excludes some options, while the whitelist will remove all other options that are not in the whitelist section.

Using the vehicleClasses option, you can make restrictions for the workshop only for dedicated vehicle classes - for example, tuning only for boats/planes/helicopters

vehicleClasses = {
    [0] = true, -- Compacts
    [1] = true, -- Sedans
    [2] = true, -- SUVs
    [3] = true, -- Coupes
    [4] = true, -- Muscle
    [5] = true, -- Sports Classics
    [6] = true, -- Sports
    [7] = true, -- Super
    [8] = true, -- Motorcycles
    [9] = true, -- Off-road
    [10] = true, -- Industrial
    [11] = true, -- Utility
    [12] = true, -- Vans
    [13] = true, -- Cycles
    [14] = true, -- Boats
    [15] = true, -- Helicopters
    [16] = true, -- Planes
    [17] = true, -- Service
    [18] = true, -- Emergency
    [19] = true, -- Military
    [20] = true, -- Commercial
    [21] = true, -- Trains
    [22] = true, -- Open Wheel

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