⚠️Common Errors

In this section, you will find answers to commonly encountered issues. Remember that most errors stem from incorrect configuration, lack of required resources, or insufficient modification.

Bear in mind that troubleshooting requires patience and precision. Try to carefully analyze the errors and systematically review possible solutions.

If the issue persists after verifying the configuration and available resources, please contact the support on the VMS Discord.

Notification: This parking lot is not suitable for this type of vehicle...

This means that your vehicle type does not coincide with the parking lot where you are trying to park your vehicle.

  1. Go to your database - owned_vehicles / player_vehicles table

  2. Find your vehicle and see what value is in the type column

  3. By default it should be vehicle / boat / plane / helicopter, but it's probably different because your vehicleshop script has a different type, in which case you should adjust this in the script

  4. Go to vms_garagesv2/config/config.lua - find the Config.VehicleTypes class and adjust "CHANGED" to the one present

    Config.VehicleTypes = {
        ['vehicle'] = {name = "CHANGED" --[[ <= here ]], label = "vehicle", defaultImpound = "Impound1", autoAddToImpoundAfterRestart = true},
        ['boat'] = {name = "boat", label = "boat", defaultImpound = "ImpoundBoat", autoAddToImpoundAfterRestart = true},
        ['plane'] = {name = "plane", label = "plane", defaultImpound = "ImpoundPlane", autoAddToImpoundAfterRestart = true},
        ['helicopter'] = {name = "helicopter", label = "helicopter", defaultImpound = "ImpoundHeli", autoAddToImpoundAfterRestart = true}
  5. Then go to vms_garagesv2/config/config.garages.lua and adjust each type in Config.Impounds and Config.Garages

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