Adjusting Required Licenses

Defaultly, vehicles in vms_vehicleshopV2 have been set to require licenses under the names used in VMS Schools V2. If you do not use our schools or want to remove the license requirement in a very easy way using one line to the database, read the following guide along with ready-made queries.

Query for renaming from 'drive_b' to custom name:

UPDATE vehicles SET `requiredLicense` = 'NEW_LICENSE_NAME' WHERE `requiredLicense` = 'drive_b';

Query for renaming from 'practical_boat' to custom name:

UPDATE vehicles SET `requiredLicense` = 'NEW_LICENSE_NAME' WHERE `requiredLicense` = 'practical_boat';

Query for renaming from 'practical_helicopter' to custom name:

UPDATE vehicles SET `requiredLicense` = 'NEW_LICENSE_NAME' WHERE `requiredLicense` = 'practical_helicopter';

Query for renaming from 'practical_plane' to custom name:

UPDATE vehicles SET `requiredLicense` = 'NEW_LICENSE_NAME' WHERE `requiredLicense` = 'practical_plane';

Query for remove requiredLicense for a specific license

UPDATE vehicles SET `requiredLicense` = NULL WHERE `requiredLicense` = 'drive_b';

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