Parameter | Type | Example |
icon | font-awesome | 'fas fa-users-cog' |
label | text | 'General' |
value | any | 1 |
hint | text | 'Thats example hint' |
hintImage | url | '' |
url | url | '' |
local elements = {
{icon = 'fas fa-users-cog', label = 'General', value = 1},
{icon = 'fas fa-globe', label = 'Online Players', value = 2, hint = "This is an example hint, here you can suggest what this option does and below you can put a hint image", hintImage = "IMAGE_URL"},
{icon = 'fas fa-tshirt', label = 'Admin Clothes', value = 3},
{icon = 'fas fa-car', label = 'Vehicle', value = 4},
{label = 'Server Restart', value = 5},
{icon = 'fas fa-brackets-curly', label = 'Developer Options', value = 6}
ESX.UI.Menu.Open('default', GetCurrentResourceName(), 'unique_name_menu', {
title = 'ADMIN MENU',
align = 'center',
elements = elements
}, function(data, menu)
if data.current.value == 1 then
-- Entering to General
elseif data.current.value == 2 then
-- Entering to Online Players
elseif data.current.value == 3 then
-- Entering to Admin Clothes
elseif data.current.value == 4 then
-- Entering to Vehicle
elseif data.current.value == 5 then
-- Entering to Server Restart
elseif data.current.value == 6 then
-- Entering to Developer Options
end, function(data, menu)
Last updated