
1. Adjust config.lua to your server core

  1. Adjusting the script to your server core

Config.Core = "ESX"
Config.CoreExport = function()
    return exports['es_extended']:getSharedObject()

  1. Adjusting the PlayerLoaded trigger from server core to the script

Config.PlayerLoaded = 'esx:playerLoaded' -- its a trigger to load players tattoos```lua

  1. Adjusting the PlayerLogout trigger from server core to the script

Config.JobUpdated = 'esx:setJob' -- its a trigger to check players job

  1. SkinManagers compatibile for ESX: "esx_skin" / "fivem-appearance" / "illenium-appearance"

Config.SkinManager = "esx_skin"

2. Barber Shop Setup

{ -- HOT SHAVE | Carson Ave - Davis
     business = false, -- If you want the player to be a barber shop employee set true
     ownerJob = "", -- If business is on true, here you must specify the work that has in this salon to manage
     barber = "s_f_m_fembarber", -- If business is on false you can add a ped who will take care of the customer (for attractiveness and realism). If you set nil, the ped will not be.
     position = vector3(136.66, -1708.4, 28.29), -- Blip coordinates
     barberSpawnPos = vector4(141.45, -1705.82, 28.29, 141.47), -- If you have set barber here are the coords in which the ped spawns and goes to the player
     takeSitMarker = {
         FreeColor = {255, 9, 106, 125}, -- RGBA color, if the seat is free
         BusyColor = {128, 0, 31, 110}, -- RGBA color, if the seat is busy
     Chairs = {
         [1] = {
             position = vector3(136.8, -1709.88, 28.3), -- Marker coordinate to         take a seat
             barberPos = vector4(137.68, -1709.84, 28.3, 224.61), -- Coordinates of the ped or employee in which he will stand to tattoo the customer
             chair_coord = vector4(137.77, -1710.67, 28.71, 229.93), -- Seat coordinates
             busy = false, -- DO NOT CHANGE IT
         [2] = {
             position = vector3(137.79, -1708.71, 28.3),
             barberPos = vector4(138.59, -1708.64, 28.3, 230.57),
             chair_coord = vector4(138.72, -1709.58, 28.64, 232.26),
             busy = false,
         [3] = {
             position = vector3(138.7, -1707.5, 28.3),
             barberPos = vector4(139.35, -1707.5, 28.3, 223.69),
             chair_coord = vector4(139.66, -1708.47, 28.64, 222.14),
             busy = false,

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