
Client Exports

Below are all the useful exports that you can use in other resources, be sure to read their descriptions.


Opening the company / gang boss menu

---@param {name: string}: Job / gang name e.g. 'police', 'mechanic', 'ballas'
---@param {type: string}: 'job' or 'gang'
exports['vms_bossmenu']:openBossMenu(name, type)
Backward event from esx_society

We have a backward events for esx_society, this means that if you have an esx_society:openBossMenu event used somewhere, you won't necessarily need to modify it.

Note that in using this you still need to register the job/gang in config.lua Config.JobMenusSettings

Backward event from qb-management

We have a backward events for qb-management, this means that if you have an qb-bossmenu:client:OpenMenu, qb-gangmenu:client:OpenMenu event used somewhere, you won't necessarily need to modify it.

Note that in using this you still need to register the job/gang in config.lua Config.JobMenusSettings


Opening the company / gang dressing room

---@param {name: string}: Job / gang name e.g. 'police', 'mechanic', 'ballas'
---@param {type: string}: 'job' or 'gang'
exports['vms_bossmenu']:openDressingRoom(name, type)
Backward event from qb-management

We have a backward events for qb-management, this means that if you have an qb-bossmenu:client:Wardrobe event used somewhere, you won't necessarily need to modify it.

Note that in using this you still need to register the job/gang in config.lua Config.JobMenusSettings


Below are all the useful callbacks that you can use in other resources, be sure to read their descriptions.

Get Job Employees List

Get a list of all job employees

---@param {jobName: string}: Registered job name e.g. 'police' / 'ambulance'
---@return table or false
ESX.TriggerServerCallback('vms_bossmenu:getJobEmployees', function(employeesList)
    local employeesList = employeesList
end, jobName)

If you execute the above callback you will get the return information as a table if the job is registered in the config, if not, you will get the return as false.


  • isOnline: boolean

  • name: string

  • identifier: string

  • job: table

    • name: string

    • label: string

    • grade: number

    • grade_name: string

    • grade_label: string

Backward callbacks from esx_society

We have a backward callback for esx_society, this means that if you have an esx_society:getEmployees callback used somewhere, you won't necessarily need to modify it.

Backward callbacks from qb-management

We have a backward callback for qb-management, this means that if you have an qb-bossmenu:server:GetEmployees callback used somewhere, you won't necessarily need to modify it.

Get Gang Employees List

Get a list of all gang members

---@param {gangName: string}: Registered gang name e.g. 'ballas' / 'vagos'
---@return table or false
ESX.TriggerServerCallback('vms_bossmenu:getGangMembers', function(membersList)
    local membersList = membersList
end, gangName)

If you execute the above callback you will get the return information as a table if the gang is registered in the config, if not, you will get the return as false.


  • isOnline: boolean

  • name: string

  • identifier: string

  • job: table

    • name: string

    • label: string

    • grade: number

    • grade_name: string

    • grade_label: string

Backward callbacks from qb-management

We have a backward callback for qb-management, this means that if you have an qb-gangmenu:server:GetEmployees callback used somewhere, you won't necessarily need to modify it.

Last updated

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