Below are all the useful exports that you can use in other resources, be sure to read their descriptions.
Towing the vehicle
---@param {*netId: number}: Vehicle ID or Network ID of entity---@param {*plate: string}: License plate number---@param {*impoundId: string}: Impound ID (by default are 'Impound1'/'ImpoundBoat'/'ImpoundPlane'/'ImpoundHeli'/'ImpoundPolice')---@param {fine: string}: Towing fine title [Not required]---@param {fine_amount: number}: Towing fine amount [Not required]---@param {*towedBy: string}: Name of who towedexports["vms_garagesv2"]:towVehicle( netId, plate, impoundId, fine, fine_amount, towedBy)
Adding vehicles using export, application for example admin menu.
After adding, the vehicle will go to the impound matching for the selected type.
---@param {source: number or nil}: ID of the player using export or nil---@param {owner: number or string}: vehicle owner - player id or job name for company---@param {type: string}: vehicle/boat/plane/helicopter (it must be a key from Config.VehicleTypes)---@param {model: string}: model name of vehicle---@param {plate: string}: license plate (Max 8 characters, special characters cannot be used!)exports["vms_garagesv2"]:giveVehicle( source, owner,type, model, plate)
Export possible to an external resource for changing license plates. This export will be needed to update the current plates if the vehicle is currently parked.
---@param {lastPlate: string}: the current plate of the vehicle you want to change---@param {newPlate: string}: new vehicle plate to be set up---@param {updateSQL: boolean}: if you also want to update the properties and plate column with this exportexports["vms_garagesv2"]:updateParkedVehiclePlate(lastPlate, newPlate, updateSQL)
Export to check if player is currently in any underground garage interiors.
---@param {source: number}: ID of the playerlocal garageName, outsideCoords = exports["vms_garagesv2"]:isInInterior(source)---@return{garageName: string}: Id of the garage the player is currently in---@return{outsideCoords: vector4}: Coordinates outside the interior
With this export, you can see how much money is in the parking safe.
-- @param {parkingId: string}: parkingId is the key of the garages tablelocal amount = exports["vms_garagesv2"]:getCompanyMoney(parkingId)
With this export you can add money to the parking safe.
---@param {parkingId: string}: parkingId is the key of the garages table---@param {amount: number}: the amount to be added to the parking safe---@param {addToTotalEarning: boolean}: Is the added money to be included in Total Earnedexports["vms_garagesv2"]:addCompanyMoney(parkingId, amount, addToTotalEarned)
With this export you can remove money from the parking safe.
---@param {parkingId: string}: parkingId is the key of the garages table---@param {amount: number}: the amount to be removed from the parking safeexports["vms_garagesv2"]:removeCompanyMoney(parkingId, amount)
Information about the garage such as the label and coordinates
---@param {garageId: string}: garageId is the key of the garages tablelocal label, coords = exports["vms_garagesv2"]:getGarageInfo(garageId)
Server Events
Below are all the useful events that you can use in other resources, be sure to read their descriptions.
If you don't want to use the command for opening a vehicle sales agreement, you can use this event to register an usable item.