Configuration Points

Public Teleports Configuration

Public Teleport Marker Parameters
marker = {
    distanceToSee = number,
    distanceToAccess = number,
    id = number,
    color = {r = number, g = number, b = number, a = number},
    size = vector3(x, y, z),
    bobUpAndDown = boolean,
    rotate = boolean,
    showOnFoot = boolean,
    showInVehicle = boolean,
    accessOnFoot = boolean,
    accessInVehicle = boolean,
    requiredRoutingBucket = number

distanceToSee: The distance from which the marker will be visible to the player distanceToAccess: The distance from which a player can use a marker id: Marker id (FiveM Markers Documentation) color: Marker color provided in RGBA (Color Picker) size: Marker size given in vector (vector3(x, y, z)) bobUpAndDown: Is the marker supposed to jump (true or false) rotate: Is the marker supposed to rotate (true or false) showOnFoot: Is the marker to be visible when the player is on his feet (true or false) showInVehicle: Whether the marker should be visible when the player is in the vehicle (true or false) accessOnFoot: Is the marker to be usable when the player is on his feet (true or false) accessInVehicle: Is the marker to be usable when the player is in the vehicle (true or false) requiredRoutingBucket: Id routing bucket which is required to see and be able to use the marker

Public Teleport Parameters
marker = {...}, -- Public Teleport Marker Parameters
coords = vector3(x, y, z),
teleportTo = vector4(x, y, z, w),
routingBucket = boolean,
type = string, -- "enter" or "exit"
hint = string, --"Press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to enter to Mechanic"

coords: The place where the player will use the teleport teleportTo: The place to which the player will be teleported (Ability to teleport with the vehicle) routingBucket: Not required, id of the routing bucket to which the player will be redirected after using the teleport - this makes it so that you can do multiple jobs in one interiors and they won't hear or see each other type: marker type, what it is, "exit" automatically sets the default routing bucket in which all players are in hint: cue ESX.ShowHelpNotification or other TextUI

Job Configuration

Job Zone Marker Parameters
marker = {
    distanceToSee = number,
    distanceToAccess = number,
    id = number,
    color = {r = number, g = number, b = number, a = number},
    size = vector3(x, y, z),
    bobUpAndDown = boolean,
    rotate = boolean,
    showOnlyOnDuty = boolean,
    showOnlyWithWorkClothes = boolean,
    showOnFoot = boolean,
    showInVehicle = boolean,
    accessOnFoot = boolean,
    accessInVehicle = boolean,
    requiredRoutingBucket = number

distanceToSee: The distance from which the marker will be visible to the player distanceToAccess: The distance from which a player can use a marker id: Marker id (FiveM Markers Documentation) color: Marker color provided in RGBA (Color Picker) size: Marker size given in vector (vector3(x, y, z)) bobUpAndDown: Is the marker supposed to jump (true or false) rotate: Is the marker supposed to rotate (true or false) showOnlyOnDuty: Is the marker to be visible only on duty (true or false) showOnlyWithWorkClothes: Is the use of the marker to be in work clothes only showOnFoot: Is the marker to be visible when the player is on his feet (true or false) showInVehicle: Whether the marker should be visible when the player is in the vehicle (true or false) accessOnFoot: Is the marker to be usable when the player is on his feet (true or false) accessInVehicle: Is the marker to be usable when the player is in the vehicle (true or false) requiredRoutingBucket: Id routing bucket which is required to see and be able to use the marker

Job Zone Blip Parameters
blip = {
    sprite = number,
    display = number,
    scale = number,
    color = number,
    name = string,
    showOnlyOnDuty = boolean,
    showOnlyWithWorkClothes = boolean,

sprite: Sprite of blip (FiveM Blips Documentation) display: Display type of blip (FiveM Blip Display Native) scale: Scale of blip color: Color of blip (FiveM Blips Documentation) name: Name of blip showOnlyOnDuty: Is being on duty required to see a blip showOnlyWithWorkClothes: Is being in work clothes required to see the blip.

Job Zone Parameters - TELEPORT
SellWineTeleportIn = {
    marker = {...},
    coords = vector3(x, y, z),
    teleportTo = vector4(x, y, z, w),
    routingBucket = number,
    grades_access = string or table or nil,
    type = "teleport",
    hint = string,

coords: The place where the player will use the teleport teleportTo: The place to which the player will be teleported (Ability to teleport with the vehicle) routingBucket: Not required and if it is not there after the teleport, the player will be put into the default bucket with players, Id of the routing bucket to which the player will be redirected after using the teleport - this makes it so that you can do multiple jobs in one interiors and they won't hear or see each other grade_access: Here it can be one rank with access e.g. ("boss") or many e.g. ({"boss", "uboss"}) or if each rank is to have access set nil type: "teleport" hint: cue ESX.ShowHelpNotification or other TextUI

Job Zone Parameters - CLOAKROOM
Cloakroom = {
    marker = {...},
    coords = vector3(x, y, z),
    type = "cloakroom",
    grades_access = string or table or nil,
    hint = string,

coords: Position of marker use type: "cloakroom" grade_access: Here it can be one rank with access e.g. ("boss") or many e.g. ({"boss", "uboss"}) or if each rank is to have access set nil hint: cue ESX.ShowHelpNotification or other TextUI

Job Zone Parameters - VEHICLES
Vehicles = {
    marker = {...},
    coords = vector3(x, y, z),
    spawnCoords = vector4(x, y, z, w),
    type = "vehicles",
    vehicles = {
        ["shared"] = {
            {name = "Ambulance", model = "ambulance"},
        ["boss"] = {
            {name = "Police", model = "police", livery = 1}
    grades_access = string or table or nil,
    hint = string,
    plate = "XXX "..math.random(1000, 9999),

coords: The place where the player will open the menu spawnCoords: The place where the vehicle will be spawned type: "vehicles" vehicles: Table with vehicles in which you can add "shared", that is, available for each rank and you can add only for specific ranks ie "boss", you can also set livery for specific vehicles grade_access: Here it can be one rank with access e.g. ("boss") or many e.g. ({"boss", "uboss"}) or if each rank is to have access set nil hint: cue ESX.ShowHelpNotification or other TextUI plate: You can set a default array with which a player can spawn a vehicle and they can be unique but with a job prefix, e.g. for EMS you can do "EMS "..math.random(1000, 9999) or just set one "EMS"

Job Zone Parameters - DELETE VEHICLE
DeleteVehicle = {
    marker = {...},
    coords = vector3(x, y, z),
    type = "deletevehicle",
    grades_access = string or table or nil,
    hint = string,

coords: Position of marker use type: "deletevehicle" grade_access: Here it can be one rank with access e.g. ("boss") or many e.g. ({"boss", "uboss"}) or if each rank is to have access set nil hint: cue ESX.ShowHelpNotification or other TextUI

Job Zone Parameters - BOSS MENU
BossMenu = {
    marker = {...},
    coords = vector3(x, y, z),
    grades_access = string or table or nil,
    type = "bossmenu",
    hint = string,

coords: Position of marker use grade_access: Here it can be one rank with access e.g. ("boss") or many e.g. ({"boss", "uboss"}) or if each rank is to have access set nil type: "bossmenu" hint: cue ESX.ShowHelpNotification or other TextUI

Job Zone Parameters - ITEM HARVEST
ScrapHarvesting = {
    marker = {...},
    coords = vector3(x, y, z),        
    progress = {
	label = "You collecting a scrap",
	time = 500,
	animation = {"mini@repair", "fixing_a_ped"},
        can_cancel = false
    item = {
        adding = {
            {name = "scrap", amount = 1, max = 80}
    grades_access = string or table or nil,
    type = "item_harvest",
    hint = string,

coords: Position of marker use progress: Not required, you can configure the progressbar for this action item: adding is a table to which you add the items that the player is to get to the inventory grade_access: Here it can be one rank with access e.g. ("boss") or many e.g. ({"boss", "uboss"}) or if each rank is to have access set nil type: "item_harvest" hint: cue ESX.ShowHelpNotification or other TextUI

Job Zone Parameters - ITEM EXCHANGE
FixkitProduce = {
    marker = {...},
    coords = vector3(x, y, z),
    progress = {
        label = "You produce a fixkit",
    	time = 4500,
    	animation = {"mini@repair", "fixing_a_ped"},
        can_cancel = false
    item = {
        adding = {
            {name = "fixkit", amount = 1, max = 30}
        required = {
            {name = "scrap", amount = 5},
    grades_access = string or table or nil,
    type = "item_exchange",
    hint = string,

coords: Position of marker use progress: Not required, you can configure the progressbar for this action item: Adding is a table to which items are added to the player's inventory and required are items that are required to create those with adding grade_access: Here it can be one rank with access e.g. ("boss") or many e.g. ({"boss", "uboss"}) or if each rank is to have access set nil type: "item_exchange" hint: cue ESX.ShowHelpNotification or other TextUI

Job Zone Parameters - ITEM SELL
SellWine = {
    marker = {...},
    coords = vector3(x, y, z),
    progress = {
        label = "You selling a Wine",
	time = 4500,
	animation = {"missah_2_ext_altleadinout", "hack_loop"},
        can_cancel = false
    reward = {amount = 5, type = "cash"},
    item = {
        required = {
            {name = "grape", amount = 1},
    grades_access = string or table or nil,
    type = "item_sell",
    hint = string,

coords: Position of marker use progress: Not required, you can configure the progressbar for this action reward: Here you enter how much money the player should receive for selling items the available money types are "cash", "bank", "black_money" item: Item required are items that are required to sell grade_access: Here it can be one rank with access e.g. ("boss") or many e.g. ({"boss", "uboss"}) or if each rank is to have access set nil type: "item_sell" hint: cue ESX.ShowHelpNotification or other TextUI

Job Zone Parameters - SHOP
Shop = {
    marker = {...},
    coords = vector3(x, y, z),
    type = "shop",
    items = {
        ["shared"] = {
            {label = "Tazer", name = "WEAPON_STUNGUN", amount = 1, type = "item"},
            {label = "🍞 Bread", name = "bread", amount = 2, price = 3, payWith = 'money', type = "item"},
            {label = "💦 Water", name = "water", amount = 1, price = 2, payWith = 'money', type = "item"},
        ["boss"] = {
            {label = "Pistol", name = "WEAPON_PISTOL", amount = 1, price = 500, payWith = 'money', type = "item"},
    grades_access = string or table or nil,
    hint = string,

coords: Position of marker use type: "shop" items: The items table has the ability to set items for "shared", meaning for each person who has a certain job, or for a specific rank like "boss". Inside, it requires setting the following options: label - which is displayed in the player's menu name which is the name of the spawned item or weapon, amount - quantity of item, price - not required, if not set, the item will be free, payWith - with available options 'money', 'bank', 'black_money', if you're not using the price option, it can also be deleted, type - with available options "item" and "weapon", if you want to add a weapon and are using an item-based inventory system, set it to "item", if you're using the GTA weapon system (on the tab key), set it to "weapon". grade_access: Here it can be one rank with access e.g. ("boss") or many e.g. ({"boss", "uboss"}) or if each rank is to have access set nil hint: "shop"

Job Zone Parameters - SELL

Job Zone Parameters - STORAGE
Storage = {
    marker = {...},
    coords = vector3(x, y, z),
    type = "storage",
    id = number,
    society = string,
    options = {
        ['put'] = boolean or string or table,
        ['pull'] = boolean or string or table,
    grades_access = string or table or nil,
    hint = string,

coords: Position of marker use type: "storage" id: id for storage, remember that if there will be several storage in one job, the id must not be repeated society: society name for esx_addoninventory options: Here it 2 options - "put" and "pull" can be one rank with access e.g. ("boss") or many e.g. ({"boss", "uboss"}), if each rank is to have access set true or if you don't want anyone to have access to it set false grade_access: Here it can be one rank with access e.g. ("boss") or many e.g. ({"boss", "uboss"}) or if each rank is to have access set nil hint: cue ESX.ShowHelpNotification or other TextUI

Job Zone Parameters - TUNING
Tuning1 = {
    marker = {...},
    coords = vector3(x, y, z),
    type = "tuning",
    grades_access = string or table or nil,
    hint = string,

coords: Position of marker use type: "tuning" grade_access: Here it can be one rank with access e.g. ("boss") or many e.g. ({"boss", "uboss"}) or if each rank is to have access set nil hint: cue ESX.ShowHelpNotification or other TextUI

Job Zone Parameters - DUTY
Duty = {
    marker = {...},
    coords = vector3(x, y, z),
    type = "duty",
    grades_access = string or table or nil,
    hint = string,

coords: Position of marker use type: "duty" grade_access: Here it can be one rank with access e.g. ("boss") or many e.g. ({"boss", "uboss"}) or if each rank is to have access set nil hint: cue ESX.ShowHelpNotification or other TextUI

Job Clothes Configuration

Job Clothes
Clothes = {
    ["shared"] = {
            name = string,
            male = {
                ["tshirt_1"] = number,   ["tshirt_2"] = number, 
                ["torso_1"] = number,    ["torso_2"] = number,
                ["arms"] = number,       ["arms_2"] = number,
                ["pants_1"] = number,    ["pants_2"] = number,
                ["shoes_1"] = number,    ["shoes_2"] = number,
                ["helmet_1"] = number,   ["helmet_2"] = number, 
                ["chain_1"] = number,    ["chain_2"] = number, 
            female = {
                ["tshirt_1"] = number,   ["tshirt_2"] = number, 
                ["torso_1"] = number,    ["torso_2"] = number,
                ["arms"] = number,       ["arms_2"] = number,
                ["pants_1"] = number,    ["pants_2"] = number,
                ["shoes_1"] = number,    ["shoes_2"] = number,
                ["helmet_1"] = number,   ["helmet_2"] = number, 
                ["chain_1"] = number,    ["chain_2"] = number, 
    ["boss"] = {
            name = string,
            male = {
                ["tshirt_1"] = number,   ["tshirt_2"] = number, 
                ["torso_1"] = number,    ["torso_2"] = number,
                ["arms"] = number,       ["arms_2"] = number,
                ["pants_1"] = number,    ["pants_2"] = number,
                ["shoes_1"] = number,    ["shoes_2"] = number,
                ["helmet_1"] = number,   ["helmet_2"] = number, 
                ["chain_1"] = number,    ["chain_2"] = number, 
            female = {
                ["tshirt_1"] = number,   ["tshirt_2"] = number, 
                ["torso_1"] = number,    ["torso_2"] = number,
                ["arms"] = number,       ["arms_2"] = number,
                ["pants_1"] = number,    ["pants_2"] = number,
                ["shoes_1"] = number,    ["shoes_2"] = number,
                ["helmet_1"] = number,   ["helmet_2"] = number, 
                ["chain_1"] = number,    ["chain_2"] = number, 

Tables with clothes in "shared" are available for each rank, you can also add clothes under specific ranks.

Job Blip Configuration

Job Blip
Blip = {
    coords = vector3(x, y, z),
    sprite = number,
    color = number,
    display = number,
    scale = number,
    name = string,
    public = boolean

coords: Position of blip sprite: Sprite of blip (FiveM Blips Documentation) color: Color of blip (FiveM Blips Documentation) display: Display type of blip (FiveM Blip Display Native) scale: Scale of blip name: Name of blip public: Is the blip to be public or only for people who have the job

Job Type Configuration

Job Type
Type = string,

Type: Available types to choose from are "job" and "gang", adaptation to your server possible with config.client.lua & config.server.lua

Last updated