Full View of prepared job
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Config.Companies["police"] = { -- Config.Companies["JOB_NAME"]
Type = "job", -- "job" or "gang"
Blip = {
coords = vector3(462.3, -985.42, 29.73),
sprite = 60,
color = 38,
display = 4,
scale = 0.95,
name = "Los Santos Police Department",
public = true
Clothes = {
['shared'] = {
-- For ESX (esx_skin/fivem-appearance/illenium-appearance)
name = 'Officer | ESX',
male = {
['tshirt_1'] = 58, ['tshirt_2'] = 0,
['torso_1'] = 55, ['torso_2'] = 0,
['arms'] = 0, ['arms_2'] = 0,
['pants_1'] = 35, ['pants_2'] = 0,
['shoes_1'] = 24, ['shoes_2'] = 0,
['helmet_1'] = 46, ['helmet_2'] = 0,
['chain_1'] = 0, ['chain_2'] = 0,
female = {
-- For QB-Core (qb-clothing)
name = 'Officer | qb-clothing',
male = {
["t-shirt"] = {item = 0, texture = 0},
["torso2"] = {item = 0, texture = 0},
["arms"] = {item = 0, texture = 0},
["pants"] = {item = 0, texture = 0},
["shoes"] = {item = 0, texture = 0},
["bag"] = {item = 0, texture = 0},
["accessory"] = {item = 0, texture = 0},
["vest"] = {item = 0, texture = 0},
["hat"] = {item = -1, texture = 0},
["decals"] = {item = 0, texture = 0},
female = {
-- For QB-Core (fivem-appearance / ilenium-appearance)
name = 'Officer | X-appearance',
male = {
components = {
{component_id = 8, texture = 0, drawable = 0}, -- t-shirt
{component_id = 11, texture = 0, drawable = 0}, -- torso
{component_id = 3, texture = 0, drawable = 0}, -- arms
{component_id = 4, texture = 0, drawable = 0}, -- pants
{component_id = 6, texture = 0, drawable = 0}, -- shoes
{component_id = 5, texture = 0, drawable = 0}, -- bag
{component_id = 7, texture = 0, drawable = 0}, -- accesories
{component_id = 9, texture = 0, drawable = 0}, -- vest
props = {
{component_id = 0, texture = 0, drawable = 4}, -- hat
female = {
FastMenu = {
['shared'] = {
{icon = 'fas fa-id-badge', label = 'Show Badge', value = 'show_badge', closeOnUse = true},
{icon = 'fas fa-link', label = 'Handcuffs', value = 'handcuffs', closeOnUse = true},
Zones = {
Duty = {
coords = vector3(442.81, -981.89, 29.69),
marker = {
distanceToSee = 15.0,
distanceToAccess = 1.25,
id = 1,
color = {r = 25, g = 25, b = 255, a = 175},
size = vec(0.4, 0.4, 0.4),
bobUpAndDown = false,
rotate = true,
showOnlyOnDuty = false,
showOnlyWithWorkClothes = false,
showOnFoot = true,
showInVehicle = false,
accessOnFoot = true,
accessInVehicle = false,
requiredRoutingBucket = nil
type = "duty",
hint = "Press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ manage duty",
Vehicles = {
coords = vector3(461.19, -975.63, 25.7),
spawnCoords = vector4(450.68, -975.9, 24.7, 88.95),
marker = {
distanceToSee = 15.0,
distanceToAccess = 1.2,
id = 36,
color = {r = 25, g = 25, b = 255, a = 175},
size = vec(0.4, 0.4, 0.4),
bobUpAndDown = false,
rotate = true,
showOnlyOnDuty = false,
showOnFoot = true,
showInVehicle = true,
accessOnFoot = true,
accessInVehicle = false,
requiredRoutingBucket = nil
type = "vehicles",
vehicles = {
['shared'] = {
{name = 'Police 1', model = 'police', color = 52}, -- vehicle color index from gta 5
{name = 'Police 2', model = 'police2', color = {255, 255, 255}}, -- vehicle color rgb
{name = 'Police 3', model = 'police3'},
['boss'] = {
{name = 'Police 4', model = 'police4'},
hint = "Press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to get vehicle",
plate = "POL "..math.random(1000, 9999),
Helicopters = {
coords = vector3(460.87, -981.38, 43.69),
spawnCoords = vector4(449.65, -981.33, 42.69, 86.06),
marker = {
distanceToSee = 15.0,
distanceToAccess = 1.2,
id = 34,
color = {r = 25, g = 25, b = 255, a = 175},
size = vec(0.55, 0.55, 0.55),
bobUpAndDown = false,
rotate = true,
showOnlyOnDuty = false,
showOnlyWithWorkClothes = false,
showOnFoot = true,
showInVehicle = true,
accessOnFoot = true,
accessInVehicle = false,
requiredRoutingBucket = nil
type = "vehicles",
vehicles = {
['shared'] = {
{name = 'Police Maverick', model = 'polmav', livery = 0},
hint = "Press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to get vehicle",
plate = "POL "..math.random(1000, 9999),
DeleteVehicle = {
coords = vector3(458.75, -992.64, 25.7),
marker = {
distanceToSee = 15.0,
distanceToAccess = 1.75,
id = 36,
color = {r = 255, g = 25, b = 25, a = 175},
size = vec(0.9, 0.9, 0.9),
bobUpAndDown = false,
rotate = true,
showOnlyOnDuty = false,
showOnlyWithWorkClothes = false,
showOnFoot = false,
showInVehicle = true,
accessOnFoot = false,
accessInVehicle = true,
requiredRoutingBucket = nil
type = "deletevehicle",
hint = "Press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to delete vehicle",
Cloakroom = {
coords = vector3(461.29, -999.1, 30.69),
marker = {
distanceToSee = 15.0,
distanceToAccess = 1.0,
id = 30,
color = {r = 25, g = 25, b = 255, a = 175},
size = vec(0.55, 0.55, 0.55),
bobUpAndDown = false,
rotate = true,
showOnlyOnDuty = false,
showOnlyWithWorkClothes = false,
showOnFoot = true,
showInVehicle = false,
accessOnFoot = true,
accessInVehicle = false,
requiredRoutingBucket = nil
type = "cloakroom",
hint = "Press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to open cloakroom",
BossMenu = {
coords = vector3(462.3, -985.42, 30.73),
marker = {
distanceToSee = 15.0,
distanceToAccess = 1.0,
id = 31,
color = {r = 25, g = 25, b = 255, a = 175},
size = vec(0.4, 0.4, 0.4),
bobUpAndDown = false,
rotate = true,
showOnlyOnDuty = false,
showOnlyWithWorkClothes = false,
showOnFoot = true,
showInVehicle = false,
accessOnFoot = true,
accessInVehicle = false,
requiredRoutingBucket = nil
grades_access = {'boss', 'uboss'},
type = "bossmenu",
hint = "Press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to open bossmenu",
Shop = {
coords = vector3(482.51, -995.27, 30.69),
marker = {
distanceToSee = 15.0,
distanceToAccess = 1.0,
id = 29,
color = {r = 25, g = 25, b = 255, a = 175},
size = vec(0.4, 0.4, 0.4),
bobUpAndDown = false,
rotate = true,
showOnlyOnDuty = false,
showOnlyWithWorkClothes = false,
showOnFoot = true,
showInVehicle = false,
accessOnFoot = true,
accessInVehicle = false,
requiredRoutingBucket = nil
type = "shop",
items = {
['shared'] = {
{label = "Tazer", name = "WEAPON_STUNGUN", amount = 1, type = "item"},
{label = "🍞 Bread", name = "bread", amount = 2, price = 3, payWith = 'cash', type = "item"},
{label = "💦 Water", name = "water", amount = 1, price = 2, payWith = 'cash', type = "item"},
['boss'] = {
{label = "Pistol", name = "WEAPON_PISTOL", amount = 1, price = 500, payWith = 'cash', type = "weapon"},
hint = "Press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to open shop",
Storage = {
coords = vector3(485.76, -995.45, 30.69),
marker = {
distanceToSee = 15.0,
distanceToAccess = 1.0,
id = 30,
color = {r = 25, g = 25, b = 255, a = 175},
size = vec(0.4, 0.4, 0.4),
bobUpAndDown = false,
rotate = true,
showOnlyOnDuty = false,
showOnlyWithWorkClothes = false,
showOnFoot = true,
showInVehicle = false,
accessOnFoot = true,
accessInVehicle = false,
requiredRoutingBucket = nil
type = "storage",
id = 1,
society = 'society_police',
options = {
['put'] = true,
['pull'] = true -- false / true / 'boss' / {'boss', 'uboss'}
hint = "Press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to storage",