function ESX.ShowNotification(message, type, length, custom_icon)
local message = message
local colors = type and type == "main" and "#19a3ff" or type == "success" and "#2bff72" or type == "error" and "#ff2b2b" or "#YOUR_DEFAULT_COLOR"
local icon = custom_icon or "YOUR_DEFAULT_FONT_AWESOME"
exports['vms_notify']:Notification("YOUR_DEFAULT_TITLE", message, length or 4500, colors, icon)
Replace QB-Core Notifications
Open @qb-core/client/functions.lua.
Search for function QBCore.Functions.Notify.
Replace the function with this one below
function QBCore.Functions.Notify(text, textype, length, custom_icon)
if type(text) == "table" then
local message = text.text
local length = length or 5000
local color = texttype == 'primary' and '#1c75d2' or texttype == 'success' and '#20bb44' or texttype == 'error' and '#c10114' or '#YOUR_DEFAULT_COLOR'
local icon = custom_icon or 'YOUR_DEFAULT_FONT_AWESOME'
exports["vms_notify"]:Notification('YOUR_DEFAULT_TITLE', message, length, color, icon)
local color = texttype == 'primary' and '#1c75d2' or texttype == 'success' and '#20bb44' or texttype == 'error' and '#c10114' or '#YOUR_DEFAULT_COLOR'
local icon = custom_icon or 'YOUR_DEFAULT_FONT_AWESOME'
local length = length or 5000
exports["vms_notify"]:Notification('YOUR_DEFAULT_TITLE', text, length, color, icon)