Full View config.lua

Config = {}

Config.Core = "ESX" -- "ESX" or "QB-Core"
Config.CoreExport = function()
    return exports["es_extended"]:getSharedObject()
    -- return exports['qb-core']:GetCoreObject()

Config.Notification = function(message, time, type)
    if type == "success" then
        exports['vms_notify']:Notification(Config.Texts["NOTIFICATION.TITLE"], message, time, "#34eb3a", "fa-solid fa-parachute-box")
        -- TriggerEvent('esx:showNotification', message)        
        -- TriggerEvent('QBCore:Notify', message, 'success')
    elseif type == "error" then
        exports['vms_notify']:Notification(Config.Texts["NOTIFICATION.TITLE"], message, time, "#eb4034", "fa-solid fa-parachute-box")
        -- TriggerEvent('esx:showNotification', message)        
        -- TriggerEvent('QBCore:Notify', message, 'error')


Config.Weapon = true -- if you use ESX and xPlayer.addWeapon() set true
Config.ParachuteName = "parachute" -- if you are using a weapon as an item, set the item name as it is named, if you are using the above mentioned weapon set "weapon_parachute"

Config.PilotPed = 's_m_y_airworker'
Config.HelicopterModel = 'volatus'

Config.Timeout = 3

Config.Blip = {
    ["Target"] = {
        sprite = 1,
        color = 2,
        scale = 1.25,
        display = 4,
    ["Parachute"] = {
        sprite = 377,
        color = 15,
        scale = 1.0,
        display = 4,

Config.Checkpoint = {
	Radius = 10.0, -- Radius of checkpoint marker
	Height = 10.0, -- Height of checkpoint marker

Config.Target = {
    ["RED"] = {
        Size = 12.5,
        RGBA = {255, 0, 0, 76},
    ["YELLOW"] = {
        Size = 6.25,
        RGBA = {255, 225, 0, 76},
    ["GREEN"] = {
        Size = 2.5,
        RGBA = {0, 255, 0, 76},

Config.Roads = {
    ["THE AIRPORT JUMP"] = {
        Enable = true,
        JumpPrice = 5000,
        Rewards = {
            ["RED"] = {
                Money = 1000,
                Points = 1
            ["YELLOW"] = {
                Money = 5000,
                Points = 2
            ["GREEN"] = {
                Money = 10000,
                Points = 3
        Checkpoints = {
            [1] = {coords = vec(-842.24, -2286.68, 441.28)},
            [2] = {coords = vec(-878.88, -2218.92, 411.36)},
            [3] = {coords = vec(-948.32, -2090.56, 323.76)},
            [4] = {coords = vec(-1010.12, -1976.2, 236.88)},
            [5] = {coords = vec(-1077.64, -1851.24, 124.32)},
            [6] = {coords = vec(-1121.56, -1763.84, 48.68)},
        Buy_Jump = vec(-1152.16, -2874.4, 12.96),
        Helicopter_Spawnpoint = vec(-1146.12, -2864.88, 13.96),
        Jump_Point = vec(-771.2, -2390.56, 554.2),
        Target = vec(-1153.56, -1703.12, 3.5),
    ["MERRYWEATHER"] = {
        Enable = false,
        JumpPrice = 5000,
        Rewards = {
            ["RED"] = {
                Money = 1000,
                Points = 1
            ["YELLOW"] = {
                Money = 5000,
                Points = 2
            ["GREEN"] = {
                Money = 10000,
                Points = 3
        Checkpoints = {
            -- im empty
        Buy_Jump = vec(478.4, -3357.52, 5.0),
        Helicopter_Spawnpoint = vec(478.44, -3370.04, 6.08),
        Jump_Point = vec(478.44, -3370.04, 366.88),
        Target = vec(633.76, -2913.56, 5.5),
    ["O 'NEIL"] = {
        Enable = false,
        JumpPrice = 5000,
        Rewards = {
            ["RED"] = {
                Money = 1000,
                Points = 1
            ["YELLOW"] = {
                Money = 5000,
                Points = 2
            ["GREEN"] = {
                Money = 10000,
                Points = 3
        Checkpoints = {
            -- im empty
        Buy_Jump = vec(1782.68, 3242.04, 41.36),
        Helicopter_Spawnpoint = vec(1770.24, 3239.88, 42.12),
        Jump_Point = vec(1911.68, 3949.04, 542.08),
        Target = vec(1913.92, 4761.28, 42.12),

Config.Texts = {
    ["PRESS_TO_BUY"] = "Press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to ~g~buy~s~ JUMP for $%s",
    ["CLOSE"] = "to close panel.",
    ["JUMP_INFO"] = "GO!",
    ["TARGET"] = "Target",
    ["OFF_TARGET"] = 'You haven\'t landed on target.',
    ["ENOUGHT_MONEY"] = 'You dont have money.',

Last updated