
1. Adjust config.lua to your server core

  1. Adjusting the script to your server core

Config.Core = "ESX"
-- @Config.CoreDefine - If you are using old ESX which is defined by the esx:getSharedObject trigger, enter it here but if you are using ESX Legacy or QB-Core, leave the "" and the script will complete the export itself to define the core
Config.CoreDefine = ""
Config.CoreExport = function()
    return exports['es_extended']:getSharedObject()

  1. Adjusting the PlayerLoaded trigger from server core to the script

Config.PlayerLoaded = 'esx:playerLoaded' -- its a trigger to load players tattoos

  1. Adjusting the PlayerLogout trigger from server core to the script

Config.PlayerLogout = 'esx:onPlayerLogout' -- its a trigger to unload players tattoos

  1. Adjusting the JobUpdated trigger from server core to the script

Config.JobUpdated = 'esx:setJob' -- its a trigger to check players job

2. Tattoo Shop Setup

{ -- Innocence Blvd | El Burro Heights
    business = false, -- If you want the player to be a tattoo shop employee set true
    ownerJob = "", -- If business is on true, here you must specify the work that has in this salon to manage
    pedModel = nil, -- If business is on false you can add a ped who will take care of the customer (only stands, for attractiveness and realism). If you set nil, the peda will not be.
    pedHeadingToChair = 197.46, -- Heading a player who will lie on his stomach
    pedHeadingToChairBack = 22.31, -- Heading a player who will be lying on his back
    position = vector3(1323.27, -1652.07, 51.28), -- Blip coordinates
    tattooPedSpawnPos = vector4(1327.66, -1654.03, 51.28, 42.35), -- If you have set pedModel here are the coords in which the ped spawns and goes to the player
    takeSitMarker = {
        FreeColor = {235, 235, 235, 125}, -- RGBA color, if the seat is free
        BusyColor = {128, 0, 31, 110}, -- RGBA color, if the seat is busy
    Chairs = {
        [1] = {
            position = vector3(1320.64, -1653.94, 51.28), -- Marker coordinate to take a seat
            tattooerPos = vector4(1321.84, -1654.83, 51.28, 143.44), -- Coordinates of the ped or employee in which he will stand to tattoo the customer
            chair_coord = vector4(1321.13, -1655.12, 51.9, 22.31), -- Seat coordinates
            busy = false, -- DO NOT CHANGE IT

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