Full View config.management.lua

Preview File Updated: v2.0.0 - 19.10.2024

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---@field UseBuildInCompanyBalance boolean: If you dont want to use the balance built into the Management Menu, set this to false and configure config.server.lua to be compatible with your server, for example a script for banks that may have company accounts
Config.UseBuildInCompanyBalance = true
Config.RemoveBalanceFromMenu = false -- if you are using other than our prepared esx_society or buildet-in balance, set it true

Config.ESXSocietyEvents = {
    ['check'] = 'esx_society:checkSocietyBalance',
    ['withdraw'] = 'esx_society:withdrawMoney',
    ['deposit'] = 'esx_society:depositMoney',

---@field BillMoneyToSocietyPercent number: Do you want the company to receive a % from paid billing of the service?
Config.BillMoneyToSocietyPercent = 80

---@field BillMoneyToTattooerPercent number: Do you want the tattooer to receive a % from paid billing of the service?
Config.BillMoneyToTattooerPercent = 20

Config.RequiredJobToBeHired = 'unemployed'

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Config.VMSCityHallResource = 'vms_cityhall'
Config.UseVMSCityHall = GetResourceState(Config.VMSCityHallResource) == 'started'

---@field UseCityHallResumes boolean: If you are using vms_cityhall and using the job center section and want players to send resumes to companies, set true
Config.UseCityHallResumes = true

---@field UseCityHallTaxes boolean: If you are using vms_cityhall and you use the tax option and want companies to have to pay tax on the money they earn, set true
Config.UseCityHallTaxes = true

---@field UseCityHallIncludedTaxes boolean: If you use taxes, do you want the taxes to be included in the default amounts you configure in vms_tattooshop, or do you want them to be price + tax paid by the customer
Config.UseCityHallIncludedTaxes = false

Last updated