
Server Exports

Below are all the useful exports that you can use in other resources, be sure to read their descriptions.


With this export, you can see how much money is in the dealership safe.

-- @param {dealershipId: string}: dealershipId is the key of the Stores table
local amount = exports["vms_vehicleshopv2"]:getCompanyMoney(dealershipId)


With this export you can add money to the dealership safe.

---@param {parkingId: string}: dealershipId is the key of the Stores table
---@param {amount: number}: the amount to be added to the dealership safe
---@param {addToTotalEarning: boolean}: Is the added money to be included in Total Earned
exports["vms_vehicleshopv2"]:addCompanyMoney(dealershipId, amount, addToTotalEarned)


With this export you can remove money from the dealership safe.

---@param {dealershipId: string}: dealershipId is the key of the Stores table
---@param {amount: number}: the amount to be removed from the dealership safe
exports["vms_vehicleshopv2"]:removeCompanyMoney(dealershipId, amount)


Message to the company

---@param {dealershipId: string}: dealershipId is the key of the Stores table
---@param {text: string}: message content
---@param {type: string}: 'cityhall'
exports["vms_vehicleshopv2"]:sendAnnouncement(src, dealershipId, text, type)

Last updated