Full View config.lua

Config = {}

Config.Core = "ESX" -- "ESX" or "QB-Core" 
Config.CoreExport = function()
    return exports['es_extended']:getSharedObject()
    -- return exports['qb-core']:GetCoreObject()

Config.ESX_Item = 'weight' -- weight / limit

Config.DistanceView = 15.0
Config.DistanceAccess = 1.2

Config.DisplayRadarAfterClose = false

Config.Notification = function(text, type)
    if type == 'success' then
        exports["vms_notify"]:Notification("Ammu-Nation", text, 3950, '#38d662', 'fa-solid fa-gun')
    elseif type == 'error' then
        exports["vms_notify"]:Notification("Ammu-Nation", text, 3950, '#d63838', 'fa-solid fa-gun')

Config.TextUI = {
	Enabled = false, -- if you want to use TextUI set to true, if you prefer ESX.ShowHelpNotification set to false
	Open = function(key, message)
		-- exports['interact']:Open(key, message)
	Close = function()
		-- exports['interact']:Close()

Config.Marker = {
    Enabled = true,
    Type = 29,
    Size = vec(.22, .22, .22),
    Color = {245, 245, 20, 95},
    Bouncing = true,
    Rotating = true,

Config.UI_Color = {255, 189, 19}

Config.Blips = {
    Sprite = 119,
    Scale = 0.85,
    Display = 4,
    Color = 5,

Config.Zones = {
        enableBlip = true,
        shopName = "Ammu-Nation",
        position = vector3(22.15, -1106.82, 28.8),
        camera = {
            x = 22.15, y = -1106.82, z = 30.22, 
            rotate_x = 0.0, rotate_y = -1.0, rotate_z = -20.33070892096
        objectPosition = vector3(22.33, -1106.29, 30.29)

Config.Texts = {
    ['nomoney'] = "You don't have enough money for that.",
    ['bought'] = "You bought.",
    ['nolicense'] = "You don't have a license for this.",
    ['e-open'] = "Press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to open menu",

Config.Items = {
    ["hand"] = {
            label = "KNIFE",
            item = "WEAPON_KNIFE",
            price = 240,
            object = "WEAPON_KNIFE",
            type = "weapon",
            ammo = 1, -- only if you use type = "weapon"
            damage = 40, range = 0.1, speed = 0.1
    ["pistols"] = {
            label = "PISTOL",
            item = "weapon_pistol",
            price = 12000,
            object = "WEAPON_PISTOL",
            type = "weapon",
            ammo = 28, -- only if you use type = "weapon"
            damage = 45, range = 45, speed = 45,
            licenseRequired = 'weapon'
    ["smg"] = {
            label = "SMG",
            item = "weapon_smg",
            price = 59500,
            object = "WEAPON_SMG",
            type = "weapon",
            ammo = 28, -- only if you use type = "weapon"
            damage = 65, range = 75, speed = 50,
            licenseRequired = 'weapon'
    ["rifle"] = {
            label = "ASSAULT RIFLE",
            item = "weapon_assaultrifle",
            price = 159500,
            object = "WEAPON_ASSAULTRIFLE",
            type = "weapon",
            ammo = 28, -- only if you use type = "weapon"
            damage = 85, range = 85, speed = 50
    ["magazines"] = {
            label = "PISTOL AMMO",
            item = "pistol_ammo",
            price = 2000,
            object = "prop_ld_ammo_pack_01",
            type = "item",
            damage = nil, range = nil, speed = nil,
            licenseRequired = 'weapon'
    ["components"] = {
            label = "Pistol Suppressor",
            item = "pistol_suppressor",
            price = 3000,
            image = "pistol_suppressor.png",
            type = "item",

Config.Categories = {
    [1] = "hand",
    [2] = "pistols",
    [3] = "smg",
    [4] = "rifle",
    [5] = "magazines",
    [6] = "components"

Config.DefaultCategory = Config.Categories[1]
Config.DefaultItem = Config.Items[Config.DefaultCategory][1]

Last updated