Citizen.CreateThread(function()local inRange =falselocal shown =falsewhiletruedo inRange =falselocal myPed =PlayerPedId()local myCoords =GetEntityCoords(myPed)local targetCoords =vec(x, y, z)local distance =#(myCoords - targetCoords)if distance <1.5then-- Probably here you have ESX.ShowHelpNotification-- you changing this for inRange = true like under have inRange =trueifIsControlJustPressed(0, 38) then-- if player press button, inRange must be false to not shown on screen inRange =falseTriggerServerEvent("example")endend-- Here is a function to work interactif inRange andnot shown then shown =true exports["interact"]:Open("E", "Vehicle shop")elseifnot inRange and shown then shown =false exports["interact"]:Close()end Citizen.Wait(1)endend)