Full View config.lua
Config = {}
Config.Core = "ESX" -- "ESX" or "QB-Core"
Config.ESX_Version = 'new' -- old = users table have `bank`, `money` columns, new = users table have `accounts` table
Config.EnableBlur = true
Config.ChangeIBAN_Price = 5000
Config.IBANPrefix = "US-"
Config.IBANCharacters = 6
Config.IBANAllowLetters = false
Config.ChangePIN_Price = 800
Config.ATM_ConnectingTime = 2000
Config.BusinessAccounts = { -- Here if you want the player to have access to the company account create a table for that
["police"] = { -- Job name with access
grades = {'Chief', 'uboss'} -- Here, the grades to have access to it
Config.TextUI_Enabled = false -- if you want to use TextUI set to true, if you prefer ESX.ShowHelpNotification set to false
Config.TextUI_Open = function(key, message)
exports['interact']:Open(key, message)
-- exports['qb-core']:DrawText(message, 'right')
Config.TextUI_Close = function()
-- exports['qb-core']:HideText()
Config.Notification = function(title, message, type)
if type == "success" then
exports["vms_notify"]:Notification(title, message, 5000, "#58c431", "fa fa-university")
-- TriggerEvent('esx:showNotification', message)
-- TriggerEvent('QBCore:Notify', message, 'success', time)
elseif type == "error" then
exports["vms_notify"]:Notification(title, message, 5000, "#c43131", "fa fa-university")
-- TriggerEvent('esx:showNotification', message)
-- TriggerEvent('QBCore:Notify', message, 'error', time)
elseif type == "info" then
exports["vms_notify"]:Notification(title, message, 5000, "#4287f5", "fa fa-university")
-- TriggerEvent('esx:showNotification', message)
-- TriggerEvent('QBCore:Notify', message, 'primary', time)
Config.Blips = {
["BANK"] = {
Enable = true,
Sprite = 108,
Display = 4,
Scale = 0.8,
Colour = 43,
Config.ATMDistance = 1.5 -- Distance to interact with the ATM
Config.ATM = { -- ATM's models
{model = -870868698},
{model = -1126237515},
{model = -1364697528},
{model = 506770882}
Config.Banks = {
{coords = vec(150.266, -1040.203, 29.374), Range = 3},
Config.Texts = {
["blip_bank"] = "Bank",
["TextUI-bank"] = "BANK",
["TextUI-atm"] = "ATM",
["notify_bank_header"] = "BANK",
["notify_atm_header"] = "ATM",
["no_cash"] = "You do not have a certain amount of cash.",
["no_bank"] = "You do not have a certain amount in bank account.",
["iban_not_exist"] = "This IBAN does not exist.",
["iban_already_use"] = "This IBAN is already in use",
["iban_only_numbers"] = "You can only use numbers on your IBAN",
["pin_4char"] = "Your PIN needs to be 4 digits long",
["only_numbers"] = "You can only use numbers",
["no_pin"] = "Head up to a bank to set a PIN code",
["send_to_self"] = "You can't send money to yourself",
["no_withdrawable"] = "Someone is already withdrawing",
["withdrawn_from"] = "You withdrawn %s$ from %s",
["withdrawn_from_self"] = "You withdrawn %s$ from personal bank account.",
["deposited_to"] = "You deposited %s$ to %s",
["deposited_to_self"] = "You deposited %s$ to personal bank account.",
["no_enought_cash"] = "You don't have that much money on you",
["no_enought_bank"] = "You don't have that much money on the personal bank account",
["you_received"] = "You have received the transfer %s$ from %s",
["transfered_to"] = "You made a transfer for %s$ to %s",
["business_no_money"] = "Your company account has no such funds.",
["iban_no_money"] = "You need to have %s$ to get a new IBAN number",
["iban_changed_success"] = "IBAN successfully changed to %s",
["pin_no_money"] = "You need to have %s$ to change your PIN code",
["pin_changed_success"] = "PIN successfully changed to %s",
["ESX-HelpNotify_bank"] = "Press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to open the ~b~Bank",
["ESX-HelpNotify_atm"] = "Press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to open the ~b~ATM",
["QB-bank_press"] = "Press [E] to access the Bank",
["QB-atm_press"] = "Press [E] to access the ATM",
Last updated