
Client Exports

Below are all the useful exports that you can use in other resources, be sure to read their descriptions.


Checking how much a player currently has skill

-- @param {skill_name: string}: Registered skill name for example 'condition'
local skill = exports["vms_gym"]:getSkill(skill_name)


Add a skill value to a player by specifying the skill name and value

-- @param {skill_name: string}: Registered skill name for example 'condition'
-- @param {value: number}: Value to add for example 10.0
exports["vms_gym"]:addSkill(skill_name, value)


Remove the skill value to a player by specifying the skill name and value

-- @param {skill_name: string}: Registered skill name for example 'condition'
-- @param {value: number}: Value to remove for example 10.0
exports["vms_gym"]:removeSkill(skill_name, value)

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