Full View config.lua
Preview File Updated: v1.0.7 - 08.10.2023
ESX Version
Config = {}
Config.MaxNameLength = 20 -- Max Name Length.
Config.LimitHeight = {120, 220} -- minimum and maximum
Config.LimitYear = {1900, 2010} -- minimum and maximum
Config.EnableBlur = true
Config.Multichars = true
Config.UseCustomSkinCreator = false -- If you want this you must set Config.Multichars = false
-- @UseLatinAlphabetChecker: If you are using other alphabet than Latin, like Arabic, Japanese, Cyrillic etc. set false
Config.UseLatinAlphabetChecker = true
Config.UseNationalityOption = true
Config.DateFormat = 'dd/mm/yyyy'
Config.Notification = function(title, message, type)
if type == "success" then
exports["vms_notify"]:Notification(title, message, 4000, "#58c431", "fa-solid fa-fingerprint")
-- TriggerEvent('esx:showNotification', message)
elseif type == "error" then
exports["vms_notify"]:Notification(title, message, 4000, "#c43131", "fa-solid fa-fingerprint")
-- TriggerEvent('esx:showNotification', message)
elseif type == "info" then
exports["vms_notify"]:Notification(title, message, 4000, "#4287f5", "fa-solid fa-fingerprint")
-- TriggerEvent('esx:showNotification', message)
Config.Hud = {
Enable = function()
-- exports['vms_hud']:Display(true)
Disable = function()
-- exports['vms_hud']:Display(false)
Config.Translate = {
['cmd.opened_register'] = 'Successfully opened register menu for player %s',
['cmd.help_id'] = 'id',
['cmd.help_register'] = 'Open a register menu for a player',
['register_notify'] = 'Register',
['register_success'] = 'Registration successful!',
['already_registered'] = 'You have already registered character.',
['invalid_firstname'] = 'Invalid format of <b>First Name</b>.',
['invalid_lastname'] = 'Invalid format of <b>Last Name</b>.',
['invalid_sex'] = 'Invalid format of <b>Sex</b>.',
['invalid_dob'] = 'Invalid format of <b>DOB</b>.',
['invalid_height'] = 'Invalid format of <b>Height</b>.',
QB-Core Version
Config = {}
Config.MaxNameLength = 20 -- Max Name Length.
Config.LimitHeight = {120, 220} -- minimum and maximum
Config.LimitYear = {1900, 2010} -- minimum and maximum
Config.EnableBlur = true
-- @UseLatinAlphabetChecker: If you are using other alphabet than Latin, like Arabic, Japanese, Cyrillic etc. set false
Config.UseLatinAlphabetChecker = true
-- @UseNationalityOption:
Config.UseNationalityOption = true
-- @DateFormat: 'dd/mm/yyyy', 'mm/dd/yyyy', 'yyyy/dd/mm', 'yyyy/mm/dd'
Config.DateFormat = 'dd/mm/yyyy'
Config.Notification = function(title, message, type)
if type == "success" then
exports["vms_notify"]:Notification(title, message, 4000, "#58c431", "fa-solid fa-fingerprint")
-- TriggerEvent('QBCore:Notify', message, 'success', 4000)
elseif type == "error" then
exports["vms_notify"]:Notification(title, message, 4000, "#c43131", "fa-solid fa-fingerprint")
-- TriggerEvent('QBCore:Notify', message, 'error', 4000)
elseif type == "info" then
exports["vms_notify"]:Notification(title, message, 4000, "#4287f5", "fa-solid fa-fingerprint")
-- TriggerEvent('QBCore:Notify', message, 'primary', 4000)
Config.Hud = {
Enable = function()
-- exports['vms_hud']:Display(true)
Disable = function()
-- exports['vms_hud']:Display(false)
Config.Translate = {
['cmd.opened_register'] = 'Successfully opened register menu for player %s',
['cmd.help_id'] = 'id',
['cmd.help_register'] = 'Open a register menu for a player',
['register_notify'] = 'Register',
['register_success'] = 'Registration successful!',
['already_registered'] = 'You have already registered character.',
['invalid_firstname'] = 'Invalid format of <b>First Name</b>.',
['invalid_lastname'] = 'Invalid format of <b>Last Name</b>.',
['invalid_sex'] = 'Invalid format of <b>Sex</b>.',
['invalid_dob'] = 'Invalid format of <b>DOB</b>.',
['invalid_height'] = 'Invalid format of <b>Height</b>.',
QBOX Version
Config = {}
Config.MaxNameLength = 20 -- Max Name Length.
Config.LimitHeight = {120, 220} -- minimum and maximum
Config.LimitYear = {1900, 2010} -- minimum and maximum
Config.EnableBlur = true
-- @UseLatinAlphabetChecker: If you are using other alphabet than Latin, like Arabic, Japanese, Cyrillic etc. set false
Config.UseLatinAlphabetChecker = true
-- @UseNationalityOption:
Config.UseNationalityOption = true
-- @DateFormat: 'dd/mm/yyyy', 'mm/dd/yyyy', 'yyyy/dd/mm', 'yyyy/mm/dd'
Config.DateFormat = 'dd/mm/yyyy'
Config.Notification = function(title, message, type)
if type == "success" then
exports["vms_notify"]:Notification(title, message, 4000, "#58c431", "fa-solid fa-fingerprint")
-- TriggerEvent('QBCore:Notify', message, 'success', 4000)
elseif type == "error" then
exports["vms_notify"]:Notification(title, message, 4000, "#c43131", "fa-solid fa-fingerprint")
-- TriggerEvent('QBCore:Notify', message, 'error', 4000)
elseif type == "info" then
exports["vms_notify"]:Notification(title, message, 4000, "#4287f5", "fa-solid fa-fingerprint")
-- TriggerEvent('QBCore:Notify', message, 'primary', 4000)
Config.Hud = {
Enable = function()
-- exports['vms_hud']:Display(true)
Disable = function()
-- exports['vms_hud']:Display(false)
Config.Translate = {
['cmd.opened_register'] = 'Successfully opened register menu for player %s',
['cmd.help_id'] = 'id',
['cmd.help_register'] = 'Open a register menu for a player',
['register_notify'] = 'Register',
['register_success'] = 'Registration successful!',
['already_registered'] = 'You have already registered character.',
['invalid_firstname'] = 'Invalid format of <b>First Name</b>.',
['invalid_lastname'] = 'Invalid format of <b>Last Name</b>.',
['invalid_sex'] = 'Invalid format of <b>Sex</b>.',
['invalid_dob'] = 'Invalid format of <b>DOB</b>.',
['invalid_height'] = 'Invalid format of <b>Height</b>.',
Last updated
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