Full View config.lua

Preview File Updated: v1.1.7 - 08.10.2023

ESX Version
Config = {}

Config.CanDelete = true

-- @WeatherSync: "vSync", "cd_easytime", "qb-weathersync"
Config.WeatherSync = "vSync"
Config.Weather = 'CLEAR'

Config.SelectFirstChar = true -- it will select first possible player character by first connection on the server

-- @UseCustomSkinCreator: if you use esx_skin / fivem-appearance / illeniuma-appearance for character creator set it to false
-- if you use custom character creator set it to true and change in @vms_multichars/config/config_client.lua function openCharacterCreator(skin)
Config.UseCustomSkinCreator = false
Config.RelogCommand = true -- @vms_multichars/config/config_client.lua:60

-- @UseCustomSpawnSelector: if you want to use vms_spawnselector, set it true, but if you have other custom spawnselector, change it in @vms_multichars/config/config_client.lua function openSpawnSelector()
Config.UseCustomSpawnSelector = false

-- @UseRoutingBuckets: This moves the player into their own virtual world which also removes any collisions between players
Config.UseRoutingBuckets = true

Config.ToLeft = vector3(919.61, -295.44, 64.73) -- This coords is on the Diamond Casino, if you didnt have build with this, its not works, you need to change the coords
Config.Spawn = vector4(917.4, -293.36, 64.63, 280.76) -- This coords is on the Diamond Casino, if you didnt have build with this, its not works, you need to change the coords
Config.FromRight = vector3(917.7, -291.62, 64.63) -- This coords is on the Diamond Casino, if you didnt have build with this, its not works, you need to change the coords

Config.CameraHeightPoint = 1.5 -- + 1.5
Config.CameraHeight = 0.5
Config.CameraForward = 1.0

Config.SpawnLocation = vector3(190.24, -858.05, 30.5) -- here you can set the coordinates in which the player will spawn after creating a character ! IMPORTANT, if you use Config.UseCustomSkinCreator, it won't work, you need to set in charcreator e.g. vms_charcreator !

Config.ChangeCharacterPoint = {
	enable = true,
	coords = vector3(-1045.07, -2750.11, 21.36),
	marker = {
		id = 2, 
		rgba = {255, 215, 25, 100}, 
		size = vec(0.75, 0.75, 0.75), 
		rotate = true
	blip = {
		sprite = 480, 
		color = 2, 
		scale = 1.0, 
		name = "Character Selector"

Config.Notification = function(message, time, type)
   	if type == "success" then
   	    exports["vms_notify"]:Notification("MULTICHARACTERS", message, time, "#27FF09", "fa-solid fa-users")
		-- TriggerEvent('esx:showNotification', message)

	elseif type == "error" then
		exports["vms_notify"]:Notification("MULTICHARACTERS", message, time, "#FF0909", "fa-solid fa-users")
		-- TriggerEvent('esx:showNotification', message)


Config.Hud = {
    Enable = function()
        -- exports['vms_hud']:Display(true)
    Disable = function()
        -- exports['vms_hud']:Display(false)

Config.Translate = {
	['cmd.help_identifier'] = "Player identifier (char1:1100068j5f92)",
	['cmd.help_identifier_only_numbers'] = "Player identifier (1100068j5f92)",

	['cmd.setslots'] = "Setting the available characters slots for a player",
	['cmd.help_slots'] = "Enter the number of characters slots the player is expected to have",
	['slots_added'] = "Set %s slots for player %s",
	['slots_edited'] = "You changed the slots to %s for player %s",

	['cmd.removeslots'] = "Removal of custom number of slots",
	['slots_removed'] = "Removed custom slot count for %s",

	['cmd.help_enablechar'] = "Re-enabling the character",
	['charenabled'] = "The character with the identifier %s has been enabled",
	['cmd.help_disablechar'] = "Temporary disabling of character",
	['chardisabled'] = "The character with the identifier %s has been temporarily disabled",
	['charnotfound'] = "The character with the identifier %s was not found!",

	['cmd.help_deletecharacter'] = "Permanent character removal",
	['cmd.success_deleted_character'] = "Successfully removed player character %s",
	['cmd.help_logout'] = "Logout",

	['cannot_remove_character'] = "You can't delete a character, for this purpose go to the administrator.", -- If you have Config.CanDelete on true, the player will receive this notification when trying to delete

	['male'] = "Male",
	['female'] = "Female",

	['helpnotification.change_character'] = "Press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to change the character",

Config.Default = {
	mom = 21,
	dad = 0,
	face_md_weight = 50,
	skin_md_weight = 50,
	nose_1 = 0,
	nose_2 = 0,
	nose_3 = 0,
	nose_4 = 0,
	nose_5 = 0,
	nose_6 = 0,
	cheeks_1 = 0,
	cheeks_2 = 0,
	cheeks_3 = 0,
	lip_thickness = 0,
	jaw_1 = 0,
	jaw_2 = 0,
	chin_1 = 0,
	chin_2 = 0,
	chin_13 = 0,
	chin_4 = 0,
	neck_thickness = 0,
	hair_1 = 0,
	hair_2 = 0,
	hair_color_1 = 0,
	hair_color_2 = 0,
	tshirt_1 = 0,
	tshirt_2 = 0,
	torso_1 = 0,
	torso_2 = 0,
	decals_1 = 0,
	decals_2 = 0,
	arms = 0,
	arms_2 = 0,
	pants_1 = 0,
	pants_2 = 0,
	shoes_1 = 0,
	shoes_2 = 0,
	mask_1 = 0,
	mask_2 = 0,
	bproof_1 = 0,
	bproof_2 = 0,
	chain_1 = 0,
	chain_2 = 0,
	helmet_1 = -1,
	helmet_2 = 0,
	glasses_1 = 0,
	glasses_2 = 0,
	watches_1 = -1,
	watches_2 = 0,
	bracelets_1 = -1,
	bracelets_2 = 0,
	bags_1 = 0,
	bags_2 = 0,
	eye_color = 0,
	eye_squint = 0,
	eyebrows_2 = 0,
	eyebrows_1 = 0,
	eyebrows_3 = 0,
	eyebrows_4 = 0,
	eyebrows_5 = 0,
	eyebrows_6 = 0,
	makeup_1 = 0,
	makeup_2 = 0,
	makeup_3 = 0,
	makeup_4 = 0,
	lipstick_1 = 0,
	lipstick_2 = 0,
	lipstick_3 = 0,
	lipstick_4 = 0,
	ears_1 = -1,
	ears_2 = 0,
	chest_1 = 0,
	chest_2 = 0,
	chest_3 = 0,
	bodyb_1 = -1,
	bodyb_2 = 0,
	bodyb_3 = -1,
	bodyb_4 = 0,
	age_1 = 0,
	age_2 = 0,
	blemishes_1 = 0,
	blemishes_2 = 0,
	blush_1 = 0,
	blush_2 = 0,
	blush_3 = 0,
	complexion_1 = 0,
	complexion_2 = 0,
	sun_1 = 0,
	sun_2 = 0,
	moles_1 = 0,
	moles_2 = 0,
	beard_1 = 0,
	beard_2 = 0,
	beard_3 = 0,
	beard_4 = 0
QB-Core Version
Config = {}

Config.CanDelete = true

-- @WeatherSync: "cd_easytime", "qb-weathersync"
Config.WeatherSync = "qb-weathersync"
Config.Weather = "CLEAR"

-- @SkinManager: "qb-clothing" / "fivem-appearance" / "illenium-appearance"
Config.SkinManager = "qb-clothing"

Config.UseQBHouses = GetResourceState('qb-houses') ~= 'missing'

Config.SelectFirstChar = true -- it will select first possible player character by first connection on the server

-- @UseCustomSkinCreator: if you use qb-clothing / illenium-appearance / fivem-appearance for character creator set it to false
-- if you use custom character creator set it to true and change in @vms_multichars/config/config_client.lua function openCharacterCreator(skin)
Config.UseCustomSkinCreator = false
Config.RelogCommand = true -- @vms_multichars/config/config_client.lua:60

-- @UseCustomSpawnSelector: if you want to use vms_spawnselector, set it true, but if you have other custom spawnselector, change it in @vms_multichars/config/config_server.lua function openSpawnSelector()
Config.UseCustomSpawnSelector = false
Config.SkipSpawnSelector = true -- Skip the spawn selection and spawns the player at the last location.

-- @UseRoutingBuckets: This moves the player into their own virtual world which also removes any collisions between players
Config.UseRoutingBuckets = true

Config.ToLeft = vector3(919.61, -295.44, 64.73) -- This coords is on the Diamond Casino, if you didnt have build with this, its not works, you need to change the coords
Config.Spawn = vector4(917.4, -293.36, 64.63, 280.76) -- This coords is on the Diamond Casino, if you didnt have build with this, its not works, you need to change the coords
Config.FromRight = vector3(917.7, -291.62, 64.63) -- This coords is on the Diamond Casino, if you didnt have build with this, its not works, you need to change the coords

Config.CameraHeightPoint = 1.5 -- + 1.5
Config.CameraHeight = 0.5
Config.CameraForward = 1.0

Config.SpawnLocation = vector3(190.24, -858.05, 30.5) -- here you can set the coordinates in which the player will spawn after creating a character ! IMPORTANT, if you use Config.UseCustomSkinCreator, it won't work, you need to set in charcreator e.g. vms_charcreator !

Config.ChangeCharacterPoint = {
	enable = true,
	coords = vector3(-1045.07, -2750.11, 21.36),
	marker = {
		id = 2,
		rgba = {255, 215, 25, 100},
		size = vec(0.75, 0.75, 0.75),
		rotate = true
	blip = {
		sprite = 480,
		color = 2,
		scale = 1.0,
		name = "Character Selector"

Config.Notification = function(message, time, type)
	if type == "success" then
		exports["vms_notify"]:Notification("MULTICHARACTERS", message, time, "#27FF09", "fa-solid fa-users")
		-- TriggerEvent('QBCore:Notify', message, 'success', time)
	elseif type == "error" then
		exports["vms_notify"]:Notification("MULTICHARACTERS", message, time, "#FF0909", "fa-solid fa-users")
		-- TriggerEvent('QBCore:Notify', message, 'error', time)


Config.Hud = {
    Enable = function()
        -- exports['vms_hud']:Display(true)
    Disable = function()
        -- exports['vms_hud']:Display(false)

Config.Translate = {
	["cmd.help_citizenid"] = "Player citizenid",
	["cmd.help_identifier"] = "Player identifier (license:xxxxx)",
	["cmd.setslots"] = "Setting the available characters slots for a player",
	["cmd.help_slots"] = "Enter the number of characters slots the player is expected to have",
	["slots_added"] = "Set %s slots for player %s",
	["slots_edited"] = "You changed the slots to %s for player %s",
	["cmd.removeslots"] = "Removal of custom number of slots",
	["slots_removed"] = "Removed custom slot count for %s",
	["cmd.help_enablechar"] = "Re-enabling the character",
	["charenabled"] = "The character with the identifier %s has been enabled",
	["cmd.help_disablechar"] = "Temporary disabling of character",
	["chardisabled"] = "The character with the identifier %s has been temporarily disabled",
	["charnotfound"] = "The character with the identifier %s was not found!",
	["cmd.help_deletecharacter"] = "Permanent character removal",
	["cmd.success_deleted_character"] = "Successfully removed player character %s",
	["cmd.help_logout"] = "Logout",
	["cannot_remove_character"] = "You can't delete a character, for this purpose go to the administrator.", -- If you have Config.CanDelete on true, the player will receive this notification when trying to delete
	["helpnotification.change_character"] = "Press E to change the character"

Config.Default = {
	["face"] = {item = 21, texture = 0, defaultItem = 0, defaultTexture = 0},
	["face2"] = {item = 0, texture = 0, defaultItem = 0, defaultTexture = 0},
	["facemix"] = {skinMix = 50, shapeMix = 50, defaultSkinMix = 0.0, defaultShapeMix = 0.0},
	["ageing"] = {item = -1, texture = 0, defaultItem = -1, defaultTexture = 0},
	["eye_color"] = {item = -1, texture = 0, defaultItem = -1, defaultTexture = 0},
	["eye_opening"] = {item = 0, texture = 0, defaultItem = 0, defaultTexture = 0},
	["eyebrows"] = {item = -1, texture = 1, defaultItem = -1, defaultTexture = 1},
	["eyebrown_high"] = {item = 0, texture = 0, defaultItem = 0, defaultTexture = 0},
	["eyebrown_forward"] = {item = 0, texture = 0, defaultItem = 0, defaultTexture = 0},
	["neck_thikness"] = {item = 0, texture = 0, defaultItem = 0, defaultTexture = 0},
	["jaw_bone_width"] = {item = 0, texture = 0, defaultItem = 0, defaultTexture = 0},
	["nose_0"] = {item = 0, texture = 0, defaultItem = 0, defaultTexture = 0},
	["nose_1"] = {item = 0, texture = 0, defaultItem = 0, defaultTexture = 0},
	["nose_2"] = {item = 0, texture = 0, defaultItem = 0, defaultTexture = 0},
	["nose_3"] = {item = 0, texture = 0, defaultItem = 0, defaultTexture = 0},
	["nose_4"] = {item = 0, texture = 0, defaultItem = 0, defaultTexture = 0},
	["nose_5"] = {item = 0, texture = 0, defaultItem = 0, defaultTexture = 0},
	["chimp_hole"] = {item = 0, texture = 0, defaultItem = 0, defaultTexture = 0},
	["chimp_bone_width"] = {item = 0, texture = 0, defaultItem = 0, defaultTexture = 0},
	["chimp_bone_lowering"] = {item = 0, texture = 0, defaultItem = 0, defaultTexture = 0},
	["chimp_bone_lenght"] = {item = 0, texture = 0, defaultItem = 0, defaultTexture = 0},
	["cheek_1"] = {item = 0, texture = 0, defaultItem = 0, defaultTexture = 0},
	["cheek_2"] = {item = 0, texture = 0, defaultItem = 0, defaultTexture = 0},
	["cheek_3"] = {item = 0, texture = 0, defaultItem = 0, defaultTexture = 0},
	["jaw_bone_back_lenght"] = {item = 0, texture = 0, defaultItem = 0, defaultTexture = 0},
	["lips_thickness"] = {item = 0, texture = 0, defaultItem = 0, defaultTexture = 0},
	["moles"] = {item = 0, texture = 0, defaultItem = -1, defaultTexture = 0},
	["blush"] = {item = -1, texture = 1, defaultItem = -1, defaultTexture = 1},
	["lipstick"] = {item = -1, texture = 1, defaultItem = -1, defaultTexture = 1},
	["makeup"] = {item = -1, texture = 1, defaultItem = -1, defaultTexture = 1},
	["hair"] = {item = 0, texture = 0, defaultItem = 0, defaultTexture = 0},
	["beard"] = {item = -1, texture = 1, defaultItem = -1, defaultTexture = 1},
	["ear"] = {item = -1, texture = 0, defaultItem = -1, defaultTexture = 0},
	["arms"] = {item = 0, texture = 0, defaultItem = 0, defaultTexture = 0},
	["decals"] = {item = 0, texture = 0, defaultItem = 0, defaultTexture = 0},
	["accessory"] = {item = 0, texture = 0, defaultItem = 0, defaultTexture = 0},
	["hat"] = {item = -1, texture = 0, defaultItem = -1, defaultTexture = 0},
	["glass"] = {item = 0, texture = 0, defaultItem = 0, defaultTexture = 0},
	["mask"] = {item = 0, texture = 0, defaultItem = 0, defaultTexture = 0},
	["shoes"] = {item = 0, texture = 0, defaultItem = 1, defaultTexture = 0},
	["t-shirt"] = {item = 0, texture = 0, defaultItem = 1, defaultTexture = 0},
	["bracelet"] = {item = -1, texture = 0, defaultItem = -1, defaultTexture = 0},
	["watch"] = {item = -1, texture = 0, defaultItem = -1, defaultTexture = 0},
	["torso2"] = {item = 0, texture = 0, defaultItem = 0, defaultTexture = 0},
	["bag"] = {item = 0, texture = 0, defaultItem = 0, defaultTexture = 0},
	["vest"] = {item = 0, texture = 0, defaultItem = 0, defaultTexture = 0},
	["pants"] = {item = 0, texture = 0, defaultItem = 0, defaultTexture = 0},
QBOX Version
Config = {}

Config.CanDelete = true

-- @WeatherSync: "cd_easytime", "qb-weathersync"
Config.WeatherSync = "qb-weathersync"
Config.Weather = "CLEAR"

-- @SkinManager: "fivem-appearance" / "illenium-appearance"
Config.SkinManager = "illenium-appearance"

Config.UseQBHouses = GetResourceState('qbx-houses') ~= 'missing'

Config.SelectFirstChar = true -- it will select first possible player character by first connection on the server

-- @UseCustomSkinCreator: if you use illenium-appearance / fivem-appearance for character creator set it to false
-- if you use custom character creator set it to true and change in @vms_multichars/config/config_client.lua function openCharacterCreator(skin)
Config.UseCustomSkinCreator = false
Config.RelogCommand = true -- @vms_multichars/config/config_client.lua:60

-- @UseCustomSpawnSelector: if you want to use vms_spawnselector, set it true, but if you have other custom spawnselector, change it in @vms_multichars/config/config_server.lua function openSpawnSelector()
Config.UseCustomSpawnSelector = false
Config.SkipSpawnSelector = true -- Skip the spawn selection and spawns the player at the last location.

-- @UseRoutingBuckets: This moves the player into their own virtual world which also removes any collisions between players
Config.UseRoutingBuckets = true

Config.ToLeft = vector3(919.61, -295.44, 64.73) -- This coords is on the Diamond Casino, if you didnt have build with this, its not works, you need to change the coords
Config.Spawn = vector4(917.4, -293.36, 64.63, 280.76) -- This coords is on the Diamond Casino, if you didnt have build with this, its not works, you need to change the coords
Config.FromRight = vector3(917.7, -291.62, 64.63) -- This coords is on the Diamond Casino, if you didnt have build with this, its not works, you need to change the coords

Config.CameraHeightPoint = 1.5 -- + 1.5
Config.CameraHeight = 0.5
Config.CameraForward = 1.0

Config.SpawnLocation = vector3(190.24, -858.05, 30.5) -- here you can set the coordinates in which the player will spawn after creating a character ! IMPORTANT, if you use Config.UseCustomSkinCreator, it won't work, you need to set in charcreator e.g. vms_charcreator !

Config.ChangeCharacterPoint = {
	enable = true,
	coords = vector3(-1045.07, -2750.11, 21.36),
	marker = {
		id = 2,
		rgba = {255, 215, 25, 100},
		size = vec(0.75, 0.75, 0.75),
		rotate = true
	blip = {
		sprite = 480,
		color = 2,
		scale = 1.0,
		name = "Character Selector"

Config.Notification = function(message, time, type)
	if type == "success" then
		exports["vms_notify"]:Notification("MULTICHARACTERS", message, time, "#27FF09", "fa-solid fa-users")
		-- TriggerEvent('QBCore:Notify', message, 'success', time)
	elseif type == "error" then
		exports["vms_notify"]:Notification("MULTICHARACTERS", message, time, "#FF0909", "fa-solid fa-users")
		-- TriggerEvent('QBCore:Notify', message, 'error', time)


Config.Hud = {
    Enable = function()
        -- exports['vms_hud']:Display(true)
    Disable = function()
        -- exports['vms_hud']:Display(false)

Config.Translate = {
	["cmd.help_citizenid"] = "Player citizenid",
	["cmd.help_identifier"] = "Player identifier (license:xxxxx)",
	["cmd.setslots"] = "Setting the available characters slots for a player",
	["cmd.help_slots"] = "Enter the number of characters slots the player is expected to have",
	["slots_added"] = "Set %s slots for player %s",
	["slots_edited"] = "You changed the slots to %s for player %s",
	["cmd.removeslots"] = "Removal of custom number of slots",
	["slots_removed"] = "Removed custom slot count for %s",
	["cmd.help_enablechar"] = "Re-enabling the character",
	["charenabled"] = "The character with the identifier %s has been enabled",
	["cmd.help_disablechar"] = "Temporary disabling of character",
	["chardisabled"] = "The character with the identifier %s has been temporarily disabled",
	["charnotfound"] = "The character with the identifier %s was not found!",
	["cmd.help_deletecharacter"] = "Permanent character removal",
	["cmd.success_deleted_character"] = "Successfully removed player character %s",
	["cmd.help_logout"] = "Logout",
	["cannot_remove_character"] = "You can't delete a character, for this purpose go to the administrator.", -- If you have Config.CanDelete on true, the player will receive this notification when trying to delete
	["helpnotification.change_character"] = "Press E to change the character"

Config.Default = {
	["face"] = {item = 21, texture = 0, defaultItem = 0, defaultTexture = 0},
	["face2"] = {item = 0, texture = 0, defaultItem = 0, defaultTexture = 0},
	["facemix"] = {skinMix = 50, shapeMix = 50, defaultSkinMix = 0.0, defaultShapeMix = 0.0},
	["ageing"] = {item = -1, texture = 0, defaultItem = -1, defaultTexture = 0},
	["eye_color"] = {item = -1, texture = 0, defaultItem = -1, defaultTexture = 0},
	["eye_opening"] = {item = 0, texture = 0, defaultItem = 0, defaultTexture = 0},
	["eyebrows"] = {item = -1, texture = 1, defaultItem = -1, defaultTexture = 1},
	["eyebrown_high"] = {item = 0, texture = 0, defaultItem = 0, defaultTexture = 0},
	["eyebrown_forward"] = {item = 0, texture = 0, defaultItem = 0, defaultTexture = 0},
	["neck_thikness"] = {item = 0, texture = 0, defaultItem = 0, defaultTexture = 0},
	["jaw_bone_width"] = {item = 0, texture = 0, defaultItem = 0, defaultTexture = 0},
	["nose_0"] = {item = 0, texture = 0, defaultItem = 0, defaultTexture = 0},
	["nose_1"] = {item = 0, texture = 0, defaultItem = 0, defaultTexture = 0},
	["nose_2"] = {item = 0, texture = 0, defaultItem = 0, defaultTexture = 0},
	["nose_3"] = {item = 0, texture = 0, defaultItem = 0, defaultTexture = 0},
	["nose_4"] = {item = 0, texture = 0, defaultItem = 0, defaultTexture = 0},
	["nose_5"] = {item = 0, texture = 0, defaultItem = 0, defaultTexture = 0},
	["chimp_hole"] = {item = 0, texture = 0, defaultItem = 0, defaultTexture = 0},
	["chimp_bone_width"] = {item = 0, texture = 0, defaultItem = 0, defaultTexture = 0},
	["chimp_bone_lowering"] = {item = 0, texture = 0, defaultItem = 0, defaultTexture = 0},
	["chimp_bone_lenght"] = {item = 0, texture = 0, defaultItem = 0, defaultTexture = 0},
	["cheek_1"] = {item = 0, texture = 0, defaultItem = 0, defaultTexture = 0},
	["cheek_2"] = {item = 0, texture = 0, defaultItem = 0, defaultTexture = 0},
	["cheek_3"] = {item = 0, texture = 0, defaultItem = 0, defaultTexture = 0},
	["jaw_bone_back_lenght"] = {item = 0, texture = 0, defaultItem = 0, defaultTexture = 0},
	["lips_thickness"] = {item = 0, texture = 0, defaultItem = 0, defaultTexture = 0},
	["moles"] = {item = 0, texture = 0, defaultItem = -1, defaultTexture = 0},
	["blush"] = {item = -1, texture = 1, defaultItem = -1, defaultTexture = 1},
	["lipstick"] = {item = -1, texture = 1, defaultItem = -1, defaultTexture = 1},
	["makeup"] = {item = -1, texture = 1, defaultItem = -1, defaultTexture = 1},
	["hair"] = {item = 0, texture = 0, defaultItem = 0, defaultTexture = 0},
	["beard"] = {item = -1, texture = 1, defaultItem = -1, defaultTexture = 1},
	["ear"] = {item = -1, texture = 0, defaultItem = -1, defaultTexture = 0},
	["arms"] = {item = 0, texture = 0, defaultItem = 0, defaultTexture = 0},
	["decals"] = {item = 0, texture = 0, defaultItem = 0, defaultTexture = 0},
	["accessory"] = {item = 0, texture = 0, defaultItem = 0, defaultTexture = 0},
	["hat"] = {item = -1, texture = 0, defaultItem = -1, defaultTexture = 0},
	["glass"] = {item = 0, texture = 0, defaultItem = 0, defaultTexture = 0},
	["mask"] = {item = 0, texture = 0, defaultItem = 0, defaultTexture = 0},
	["shoes"] = {item = 0, texture = 0, defaultItem = 1, defaultTexture = 0},
	["t-shirt"] = {item = 0, texture = 0, defaultItem = 1, defaultTexture = 0},
	["bracelet"] = {item = -1, texture = 0, defaultItem = -1, defaultTexture = 0},
	["watch"] = {item = -1, texture = 0, defaultItem = -1, defaultTexture = 0},
	["torso2"] = {item = 0, texture = 0, defaultItem = 0, defaultTexture = 0},
	["bag"] = {item = 0, texture = 0, defaultItem = 0, defaultTexture = 0},
	["vest"] = {item = 0, texture = 0, defaultItem = 0, defaultTexture = 0},
	["pants"] = {item = 0, texture = 0, defaultItem = 0, defaultTexture = 0},

Last updated

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