
Server Exports

Below are all the useful exports that you can use in other resources, be sure to read their descriptions.


With this export, you can see how much money is in the workshop safe

---@param {tuningId: string}: tuningId is the key of the tuning table
---@return number
local amount = exports["vms_tuning"]:getCompanyMoney(tuningId)


With this export you can add money to the workshop safe

---@param {tuningId: string}: tuningId is the key of the tuning table
---@param {amount: number}: the amount to be added to the workshop safe
exports["vms_tuning"]:addCompanyMoney(tuningId, amount)


With this export you can remove money from the workshop safe

---@param {tuningId: string}: tuningId is the key of the tuning table
---@param {amount: number}: the amount to be removed from the workshop safe
exports["vms_tuning"]:removeCompanyMoney(tuningId, amount)


With this export, you can generate a discount code

---@param {codeName: string}: Discount code name
---@param {mechanicPoint: string}: name of the specific workshop that is to have this code or 'all' in case every workshop is to have it
---@param {percentage: number}: the percentage by which it should reduce the amount
---@param {countToUse: number}: number of uses
exports['vms_tuning']:CreateDiscountCode(codeName, mechanicPoint, percentage, countToUse)


Get information on whether the vehicle has a gps locator installed.

---@param {plate: string}: Enter the name of the vehicle license plate
---@return boolean
local isHave = exports['vms_tuning']:isHaveLocator(plate)

Last updated

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