Full View config.lua

Config = {}
Config.DrawDistance = 50.0
Config.MaxErrors = 5
Config.SpeedMultiplier = 3.6 -- 3.6 = km/h | 2.2 = mp/h
Config.Ped = 'a_f_y_business_03'
Config.TransitionMP3 = true
Config.UsingMarker = true
Config.LicenseOnItem = false -- [ONLY QB-Core] if you want to use an item license set 'item_name' if not, set false
Config.ESXMenuDefault_position = "center"
Config.ShowNextPoint = true -- then the player sees where the next point will be so that he knows in advance what maneuver he will have to perform

Config.Core = "ESX" -- ESX / QB-Core
Config.CoreDefine = "" -- if you use old ESX you can here define core by trigger "esx:getSharedObject"
Config.CoreExport = function()
	return exports["es_extended"]:getSharedObject()
	-- return exports['qb-core']:GetCoreObject()

Config.TextUI = {
	Enabled = false, -- if you want to use TextUI, set to true
	Open = function()
		exports["interact"]:Open("E", "Open")
	Close = function()

Config.Notification = function(message, type)
	if type == "success" then
		exports["vms_notify"]:Notification("DRIVING SCHOOL", message, 5500, "#27FF09", "fa-solid fa-car")
		-- ESX.ShowNotification(message)
		-- QBCore.Functions.Notify(message, "success", 5500)
	elseif type == "info" then
		exports["vms_notify"]:Notification("DRIVING SCHOOL", message, 5500, "#096FFF", "fa-solid fa-car")
		-- ESX.ShowNotification(message)
		-- QBCore.Functions.Notify(message, "error", 5500)
	elseif type == "error" then
		exports["vms_notify"]:Notification("DRIVING SCHOOL", message, 5500, "#FF0909", "fa-solid fa-car")
		-- ESX.ShowNotification(message)
		-- QBCore.Functions.Notify(message, "error", 5500)

Config.Prices = {
	["dmv"] = 2000,
	["drive"] = 6000,
	["drive_bike"] = 5000,
	["drive_truck"] = 3500

Config.VehicleModels = {
	drive = "blista",
	drive_bike = "sanchez",
	drive_truck = "mule3"

Config.SpeedLimits = {
	["residence"] = 50,
	["town"] = 80,
	["freeway"] = 120

Config.Questions = {
	['QuestionsCount'] = 11,
	['QuestionToAnswer'] = 11,
	['NeedAnswersToPass'] = 9,

Config.Blip = {
	["Sprite"] = 778,
	["Display"] = 4,
	["Scale"] = 0.8,
	["Colour"] = 66

Config.Zones = {
	["DMVSchool"] = {
		Pos = vec(-905.24, -2337.72, 6.72),
		Size = vec(1.5, 1.5, 1.0),
		Color = {0, 255, 0},
		Type = 22
	["VehicleSpawnPoint"] = {
		Pos = vec(-919.76, -2327.48, 6.72),
		Heading = 330.61929321289,
		Size = vec(1.5, 1.5, 1.0),
		Color = {r = 250, g = 250, b = 0},
		Type = -1

Config.Texts = {
	["passed_test"] = "You passed the exam, congratulations!",
	["failed_test"] = "You failed the exam, good luck next time!",
	["nomoney"] = "You don’t have enough money.",
	["theory_test"] = 'Theoretical examination <span style="color: green;">$%s</span>',
	["road_test_bike"] = 'Practical exam on the Bike <span style="color: green;">$%s</span>',
	["road_test_car"] = 'Practical exam on the Car <span style="color: green;">$%s</span>',
	["road_test_truck"] = 'Practical exam on the Truck <span style="color: green;">$%s</span>',
	["press_open_menu"] = "Press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to open the menu",
	["driving_school"] = "Driving School",
	["driving_test_complete"] = "Practical test completed!",
	["driving_too_fast"] = "Exceeding speed!, Speed limit is %s km/h!",
	["errors"] = "Fail Counter: %s/%s",
	["you_damaged_veh"] = "Vehicle damaged.",
	["teacherText_1"] = "Get to the point! Speed limit is %s km/h",
	["teacherText_2.0"] = "Stop, look to the left. Speed limit is %s km/h",
	["teacherText_2.1"] = "All right, turn right and follow the line.",
	["teacherText_3.0"] = "STOP, pedestrian crossing",
	["teacherText_3.1"] = "Great, keep going.",
	["teacherText_4"] = "Watch the traffic and turn left!",
	["teacherText_5"] = "Please, turn left.",
	["teacherText_7"] = "Continue the journey",
	["teacherText_8.0"] = "Stop, let the passing vehicles through!",
	["teacherText_8.1"] = "Please, turn right.",
	["teacherText_9"] = "Go to the next point!",
	["teacherText_11"] = "Please, turn right.",
	["teacherText_12"] = "Turn right again and onto the highway.",
	["teacherText_13"] = "Speed limit %s km/h",
	["teacherText_14"] = "Go to the next point!",
	["teacherText_15"] = "Go to the next point!",
	["teacherText_16"] = "Okay, you’re gonna turn right soon, slow down.",
	["teacherText_17"] = "Turn right. Speed limit is %s km/h",
	["teacherText_18"] = "We’ll turn around and come back.",
	["teacherText_26.0"] = "Wait till the vehicles pass, then we’ll go left!",
	["teacherText_26.1"] = "Speed limit is %s km/h",
	["teacherText_27"] = "Come on, come on or else they’re going to enter in our ass!",
	["teacherText_31"] = "When you come to town, be careful! Speed limit is %s km/h",
	["teacherText_40"] = "Please, turn left.",
	["teacherText_41"] = "Please, turn left.",
	["teacherText_42"] = "I’m impressed, but don’t forget to stop!",
	["already_passed"] = "You have already passed this.",
	["not_passed_theory"] = "You don't have a passing theory"

Config.CheckPoints = {
		Pos = vec(-919.76, -2327.48, 6.72),
		Action = function(playerPed, vehicle, setCurrentZoneType)
					openTeacher = true,
					pedMessage = string.format(Config.Texts["teacherText_1"], Config.SpeedLimits["residence"])

Last updated