Full View config.storemanage.lua

Preview File Updated: v1.0.8 - 21.10.2024

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-- @AbilityChangeProductsPrices: 
Config.AbilityChangeProductsPrices = true

Config.CustomPricesRange = {
    ['fuel'] = {min = 5, max = 17}, -- The player will be able to set the price for a minimum of $5 and a maximum of $17
    ['pear'] = {min = 1, max = 10},

-- @AlarmPrice: Cost of buying the Alarm & Monitoring
Config.AlarmPrice = 100000

-- @MoneyEscortPrice: The cost of transporting money safely
Config.MoneyEscortPrice = 2500

-- @EscorterPed:
Config.EscorterPed = 's_m_y_marine_03'

-- @EscorderVehicle
Config.EscorderVehicle = 'stockade'

-- @Insurances: Costs and insurance times for stores
Config.Insurances = {
    [1] = {days = 7, price = 30000},
    [2] = {days = 30, price = 150000},
    [3] = {days = 90, price = 400000},

-- @TerminationTime: Times after which stores receive a warning and are removed for inactivity of employees
Config.TerminationTime = {
    ['critical'] = 168, -- After this time, the store will be removed for inactivity
    ['warning'] = 72 -- After this time, the player will receive information in the management menu after the remaining time to remove the store for inactivity

-- @TerminationExclusionProductsPercent: If a store has x% of products in stock, it will not be subject to Config.TerminationTime, it will be omitted from the liquidation time
Config.TerminationExclusionProductsPercent = 80

-- @TerminationExclusionFuelPercent: If a gasstation has x% of fuel in stock, it will not be subject to Config.TerminationTime, it will be omitted from the liquidation time
Config.TerminationExclusionFuelPercent = 70

-- @AutomaticSellPercentageFromPrice: For what % a player can sell his business
Config.AutomaticSellPercentageFromPrice = 40

-- @AbilityEmployeesToCreateOrders: Employee to be able to create new order to take care of business
Config.AbilityEmployeesToCreateOrders = true

-- @LevelsBenefits: What it will give to the store for the upgrade, here you can adjust the values that stores will be able to use at the concurrent upgrade level
Config.LevelsBenefits = {
    ['1'] = {
        itemsCapacity = 300,
        fuelCapacity = 2500,
        moneyMarginItems = 55,
        moneyMarginFuel = 55,
        quantityProducts = {15, 25, 50},
        quantityFuel = {30, 50, 150},
        levelup = {
            -- type: 'sell_products', 'sell_fuel', 'make_orders', 'required_money'
            ['sell_products'] = {type = 'sell_products', count = 5000},
            ['sell_fuel'] = {type = 'sell_fuel', count = 7500},
            ['make_orders'] = {type = 'make_orders', count = 120},
            ['required_money'] = {type = 'required_money', count = 50000},
    ['2'] = {
        itemsCapacity = 500,
        fuelCapacity = 4000,
        moneyMarginItems = 75,
        moneyMarginFuel = 75,
        quantityProducts = {15, 25, 50, 75},
        quantityFuel = {30, 50, 150, 220},
        levelup = {
            ['sell_products'] = {type = 'sell_products', count = 10000},
            ['sell_fuel'] = {type = 'sell_fuel', count = 17500},
            ['make_orders'] = {type = 'make_orders', count = 250},
            ['required_money'] = {type = 'required_money', count = 100000},
    ['3'] = {
        itemsCapacity = 750,
        fuelCapacity = 7500,
        moneyMarginItems = 90,
        moneyMarginFuel = 90,
        quantityProducts = {15, 25, 50, 75, 100},
        quantityFuel = {30, 50, 150, 220, 300},

-- @ResellAddAgreementItems: If you want the opportunity to own the item of the sale of shares you should have an inventory with metadata.
Config.ResellAddAgreementItems = false -- AVAILABLE SOON
Config.AgreementItem = 'sale_shares_agreement' -- AVAILABLE SOON

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Config.VMSCityHallResource = 'vms_cityhall'
Config.UseVMSCityHall = GetResourceState(Config.VMSCityHallResource) == 'started'

---@field UseCityHallResumes boolean: If you are using vms_cityhall and using the job center section and want players to send resumes to companies, set true
Config.UseCityHallResumes = true

---@field UseCityHallTaxes boolean: If you are using vms_cityhall and you use the tax option and want companies to have to pay tax on the money they earn, set true
Config.UseCityHallTaxes = true

---@field UseCityHallIncludedTaxes boolean: If you use taxes, do you want the taxes to be included in the default amounts you configure in vms_barber, or do you want them to be price + tax paid by the customer
Config.UseCityHallIncludedTaxes = false

Last updated