Full View config.lua

Config = {}

Config.Core = "ESX" -- ESX
Config.names_users = true -- Set true if u use 'firstname', 'lastname' is table `users` or set false if you use a xPlayer.getName() to getting a firstname and lastname

Config.DisconnectReason = "vames.tebex.io - Thanks for game, see you soon..."

Config.PauseMenuKey = "ESCAPE"
Config.PauseMenuCommand = "pausemenu"
Config.PauseMenuDescription = "Open the pause menu"

Config.MapKeyEnabled = true
Config.MapKey = "P"
Config.MapCommand = "map"
Config.MapDescription = "Open the map"

Config.Actions = {
    inventory = function()
        -- Here add your inventory open export/trigger
    report = function()
        -- Here add your report menu open export/trigger

Config.ShopLink = "https://vames.tebex.io/"
Config.DiscordLink = "https://discord.com/invite/mnXxXxhcPd"

Config.Events = { -- Only 4
    [1] = {
        date = '20.08', 
        name = 'Streetrace', 
    [2] = {
        date = '??.??', 
        name = '?',
    [3] = {
        date = '??.??', 
        name = '?',
    [4] = {
        date = '??.??', 
        name = '?',

Last updated