Full View config.lua

Config = {}
Config.DrawDistance = 50.0
Config.MaxErrors = 5
Config.TransitionMP3 = true
Config.FirstOtherLicense = false -- if you want the pilot's license to be preceded by a psychological test license granted by, for example, a policeman
Config.FirstOtherLicenseName = '' -- here is the name of the license that is to allow the pilot theory to start
Config.UsingMarker = true
Config.Ped = 's_m_m_pilot_01' -- ped who is sitting with you, remember that the picture will also have to be changed in the files
Config.LicenseOnItem = false -- [ONLY QB-Core] if you want to use an item license set 'item_name' if not, set false
Config.ESXMenuDefault_position = "center"
Config.ShowNextPoint = true -- then the player sees where the next point will be so that he knows in advance what maneuver he will have to perform

Config.Core = "ESX" -- ESX / QB-Core
Config.CoreDefine = "" -- if you use old ESX you can here define core by trigger "esx:getSharedObject"
Config.CoreExport = function()
    return exports['es_extended']:getSharedObject()
    -- return exports['qb-core']:GetCoreObject() 

Config.TextUI = {
    Enabled = false, -- if you want to use TextUI, set to true
    Open = function()
        exports['interact']:Open('E', 'Open') 
    Close = function()

Config.Notification = function(message, type)
    if type == "success" then
        exports["vms_notify"]:Notification("FLYING SCHOOL", message, 5500, "#27FF09", "fa-solid fa-plane")
        -- ESX.ShowNotification(message)
        -- QBCore.Functions.Notify(message, "success", 5500)
    elseif type == "info" then
        exports["vms_notify"]:Notification("FLYING SCHOOL", message, 5500, "#096FFF", "fa-solid fa-plane")
        -- ESX.ShowNotification(message)
        -- QBCore.Functions.Notify(message, "error", 5500)
    elseif type == "error" then
        exports["vms_notify"]:Notification("FLYING SCHOOL", message, 5500, "#FF0909", "fa-solid fa-plane")
        -- ESX.ShowNotification(message)
        -- QBCore.Functions.Notify(message, "error", 5500)

Config.Questions = {
	['QuestionsCount'] = 11,
	['QuestionToAnswer'] = 11,
	['NeedAnswersToPass'] = 9,

Config.Blip = {
    Sprite = 758,
    Display = 4,
    Scale = 0.8,
    Colour = 32

Config.Exams = {
    ['plane'] = true,
    ['helicopter'] = true,

Config.Prices = {
    ["flying"] = 2000,
    ["flying_helicopter"] = 20000,
    ["flying_plane"] = 30000,

Config.VehicleModels = {
    ["flying_helicopter"] = 'maverick',
    ["flying_plane"] = 'vestra',

Config.Zones = {
    ["FlySchool"] = {
        Pos = vec(-1045.72, -2870.2, 34.4),
        Size = vec(1.5, 1.5, 1.0),
        Color = {125, 125, 255},
        Type = 22
    ["flying_helicopter_spawn"] = {
        Pos = vec(-1178.4, -2846.0, 13.96),
        Heading = 330.68377685547,
    ["flying_plane_spawn"] = {
        Pos = vec(-888.36, -3207.04, 13.96),
        Heading = 59.788063049316,
    ["AfterPract"] = {
        Pos = vec(-1051.4, -2880.56, 30.36),

Config.Texts = {
    ['passed_test'] = 'You passed the exam, congratulations!',
    ['failed_test'] = 'You failed the exam, good luck next time!',
    ['nomoney'] = 'You don’t have enough money.',
    ['theory_test'] = 'Theoretical examination <span style="color: green;">$%s</span>',
    ['test_plane'] = 'Practical exam on the Plane <span style="color: green;">$%s</span>',
    ['test_helicopter'] = 'Practical exam on the Heli <span style="color: green;">$%s</span>',
    ['press_open_menu'] = 'Press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to open the menu',
    ['flying_school'] = 'Flying School',
    ['flying_test_complete'] = 'Practical test completed!',
    ['errors'] = 'Fail Counter: %s/%s',
    ['you_damaged_veh'] = 'Vehicle damaged.',
    ['firstLicense'] = 'You dont have psychological tests',
    ["teacherHeliText_1"] = 'Start the engine and rise to the top',
    ["teacherHeliText_28"] = 'Be careful not to fly over the prison',
    ["teacherHeliText_35"] = 'Land on Helipad',
    ["teacherPlaneText_1"] = 'Go up',
    ["teacherPlaneText_39"] = 'Land.',
    ["teacherPlaneText_41"] = 'Stop, pull back now.',
    ["teacherPlaneText_42"] = 'To the hangar.',
    ["teacherPlaneText_43"] = 'Go back on the air strip.',
    ["teacherPlaneText_46"] = 'Go up',
    ["already_passed"] = "You have already passed this.",
    ["not_passed_theory"] = "You don't have a passing theory",

Config.CheckPoints = {
    ['flying_helicopter_test'] = {
        [1] = {
            Pos = vec(-1178.36, -2845.92, 14.04),
            Action = function(vehicle)
                SendNUIMessage({openTeacher = true, pedMessage = Config.Texts['teacherHeliText_1']})
                PlaySound(-1, 'RACE_PLACED', 'HUD_AWARDS', 0, 0, 1)
    ['flying_plane_test'] = {
        [1] = {
            Pos = vec(-1115.8, -3076.44, 14.12),
            Action = function(vehicle)
                SendNUIMessage({openTeacher = true, pedMessage = Config.Texts['teacherPlaneText_1']})
                PlaySound(-1, 'RACE_PLACED', 'HUD_AWARDS', 0, 0, 1)

Last updated