Full View config.houseslist.lua

Preview File Updated: v1.0.1 - 27.05.2024

Config.HousesList = {
    ['1'] = {
        image = 'house_1.png',
        address = {street = 'Grove Street', zone = 'Davis'},
        difficultyLevel = 1, -- 1 / 2 / 3
        lockpickType = 'normal', -- CL.Lockpick
        lockpickItem = 'lockpick',
        lockpickRemove = 1, -- 0 = Don't remove, 1 = Remove on use, 2 = Remove only on done
        robberyTimeout = 45 * 60, -- 45 minutes

        requiredPolices = 0,

        interior = 'standardmotel_shell',
        enterCoords = vector3(126.6, -1929.81, 21.38),
        loot = {
            [1] = {
                coords = vector4(1.57, -3.13, -19.22, 200.32),
                animation = {"anim@scripted@cbr1@ig1_washmach_grab_cash@heeled@", "grab", 1500, 1},
                probablyLoots = {
                    ['tv'] = {spawnChance = 90, count = 1},
                    ['laptop'] = {spawnChance = 65, count = 1},
                    ['dj'] = {spawnChance = 60, count = 1},
            [2] = {
                coords = vector4(2.41, 3.19, -19.3, 168.95),
                animation = {"anim@scripted@player@freemode@tun_prep_grab_midd_ig3@heeled@", "tun_prep_grab_midd_ig3", 800, 1},
                probablyLoots = {
                    ['weapon_pistol'] = {spawnChance = 35, count = 1},
            [3] = {
                coords = vector4(-2.41, 3.44, -18.94, 181.96),
                animation = {"anim@scripted@player@freemode@tun_prep_grab_midd_ig3@heeled@", "tun_prep_grab_midd_ig3", 800, 1},
                probablyLoots = {
                    ['perfume'] = {spawnChance = 75, count = 1},
            [4] = {
                coords = vector4(-0.3, 3.22, -19.99, 359.83),
                isCabinet = 'prop_rub_cabinet01',
                animation = {"anim@scripted@cbr1@ig1_washmach_grab_cash@heeled@", "grab", 1500, 1},
                money = 'cash',
                count = {120, 820},
        tenants = {
            [1] = {
                model = 'g_m_y_ballasout_01',
                isArmedWith = 'weapon_pistol', -- when the player wakes him up, attacks him with this weapon
                hoursAtHome = {7, 10}, -- Tenant 1 will be home from 7:00 to 10:00 and will not sleep
                hoursAreSleeping = {22, 6}, -- Tenant 1 will sleep from 22:00 to 6:00
                activitesAtHome = {
                    -- {coords = vector4(-2.62, 0.64, -18.91, 81.63), animation = {'mp_safehouseshower@male@', 'male_shower_idle_a'}},
                    {coords = vector4(-2.94, 2.52, -18.95, 192.7), animation = {'timetable@ron@ig_3_couch', 'base'}},
                    {coords = vector4(0.71, -1.53, -18.57, 193.51), animation = {'timetable@ron@ig_3_couch', 'base'}},
                sleeping = {
                    coords = vector4(-0.32, 0.06, -18.27, 167.96),
                    animation = {'anim@amb@nightclub@lazlow@lo_sofa@', 'lowsofa_dlg_fuckedup_laz'},
        requirements = {
            [1] = "You need Lockpick.",
        informations = {
    ['5'] = {
        image = 'house_5.png',
        address = {street = 'Ace Jones Dr', zone = 'Richman'},
        difficultyLevel = 2, -- 1 / 2 / 3
        lockpickType = 'advanced', -- CL.Lockpick
        lockpickItem = 'lockpick_advanced',
        lockpickRemove = 1, -- 0 = Don't remove, 1 = Remove on use, 2 = Remove only on done
        robberyTimeout = 90 * 60, -- 90 minutes

        requiredPolices = 5,

        interior = 'furnitured_midapart',
        enterCoords = vector4(-1673.18, 385.66, 89.35, 350.56),
        turnOffElectricity = vector4(-1688.88, 379.18, 85.12, 257.5),
        loot = {
            [1] = {
                coords = vector4(0.53, 1.37, -19.01, 97.51),
                animation = {"anim@scripted@player@mission@tun_table_grab@gold@", "grab", 900, },
                probablyLoots = {
                    ['laptop'] = {spawnChance = 60, count = 1},
                    ['cigars'] = {spawnChance = 60, count = 1},
                    ['art_2'] = {spawnChance = 30, count = 1},
            [2] = {
                coords = vector4(7.31, 6.57, -19.94, 270.62),
                animation = {"anim@scripted@player@freemode@tun_prep_ig1_grab_low@male@", "grab_low", 800, 1},
                probablyLoots = {
                    ['dj'] = {spawnChance = 47, count = 1},
            [3] = {
                coords = vector4(-7.11, 8.76, -19.9, 65.77),
                animation = {"veh@common@motorbike@low@ps", "pickup", 700, 1},
                probablyLoots = {
                    ['speaker'] = {spawnChance = 50, count = 1},
                    ['pc'] = {spawnChance = 44, count = 1},
            [4] = {
                coords = vector4(-3.04, -1.06, -18.93, 158.59),
                animation = {"anim@scripted@player@freemode@tun_prep_ig3_grab_high@heeled@", "tun_prep_ig3_grab_high", 1300, 1},
                probablyLoots = {
                    ['toaster'] = {spawnChance = 55, count = 1},
                    ['mixer'] = {spawnChance = 70, count = 1},
                    ['microwave'] = {spawnChance = 60, count = 1},
            [5] = {
                coords = vector4(-0.57, -0.12, -18.87, 253.92),
                animation = {"anim@scripted@player@freemode@tun_prep_ig3_grab_high@heeled@", "tun_prep_ig3_grab_high", 1300, 1},
                probablyLoots = {
                    ['pot'] = {spawnChance = 90, count = 1},
            [6] = {
                coords = vector4(-3.58, 1.16, -18.85, 6.82),
                animation = {"anim@scripted@player@freemode@tun_prep_ig3_grab_high@heeled@", "tun_prep_ig3_grab_high", 1300, 1},
                probablyLoots = {
                    ['kettle'] = {spawnChance = 68, count = 1},
                    ['mixer'] = {spawnChance = 70, count = 1},
                    ['bong'] = {spawnChance = 75, count = 1},
            [7] = {
                coords = vector4(1.65, 9.03, -19.0, 181.0),
                animation = {"anim@scripted@player@freemode@tun_prep_grab_midd_ig3@heeled@", "tun_prep_grab_midd_ig3", 800, 1},
                probablyLoots = {
                    ['perfume'] = {spawnChance = 55, count = 1},
            [8] = {
                coords = vector4(6.21, 2.84, -19.2, 190.67),
                animation = {"anim@scripted@player@freemode@tun_prep_ig3_grab_high@heeled@", "tun_prep_ig3_grab_high", 1300, 1},
                probablyLoots = {
                    ['tv'] = {spawnChance = 65, count = 1},
            [9] = {
                coords = vector4(3.69, 7.87, -19.94, 90.0),
                targetSize = vector3(0.7, 0.6, 1.9),
                isCabinet = true,
                animation = {"anim@scripted@cbr1@ig1_washmach_grab_cash@heeled@", "grab", 1500, 1},
                probablyLoots = {
                    ['money_bundle_1'] = {spawnChance = 60, count = {1200, 2900}},
                    ['necklace_2'] = {spawnChance = 25, count = 1},
                    ['necklace_3'] = {spawnChance = 25, count = 1},
                    ['watch_2'] = {spawnChance = 22, count = 1},
                    ['cocaine'] = {spawnChance = 48, count = {5, 12}},
                    ['weapon_pistol'] = {spawnChance = 45, count = 1},
        tenants = {
            [1] = {
                model = 'g_m_y_ballasout_01',
                isArmedWith = 'weapon_bat', -- when the player wakes him up, attacks him with this weapon
                hoursAtHome = {7, 10}, -- Tenant 1 will be home from 7:00 to 10:00 and will not sleep
                hoursAreSleeping = {22, 6}, -- Tenant 1 will sleep from 22:00 to 6:00
                activitesAtHome = {
                    {coords = vector4(-2.83, 5.83, -18.93, 76.24), animation = {'timetable@ron@ig_3_couch', 'base'}},
                    {coords = vector4(-4.09, 0.95, -18.94, 298.27), animation = {'misscarsteal4@aliens', 'rehearsal_base_idle_director'}},
                    {coords = vector4(5.33, 5.44, -18.73, 198.8), animation = {'timetable@ron@ig_3_couch', 'base'}},
                sleeping = {
                    coords = vector4(4.68, 6.67, -18.28, 167.79),
                    animation = {'anim@amb@nightclub@lazlow@lo_sofa@', 'lowsofa_dlg_fuckedup_laz'},
        laserDetectors = {
            {startCoords = vector3(3.68, 2.49, -19.3), endCoords = vector3(3.43, 5.38, -19.3)},
            {startCoords = vector3(-3.38, 2.41, -19.3), endCoords = vector3(1.17, 5.33, -19.3)},
        requirements = {
            [1] = "You need Lockpick Advanced.",
        informations = {
            [1] = {icon = "fa-solid fa-key", placeholder = 'Security Information.', information = 'The house is secured inside with detection lasers.', price = 350},
            [2] = {icon = "fa-solid fa-user", placeholder = 'Tenant Information.', information = 'Tenant may have firearms with them.', price = 400},
            [3] = {icon = "fa-solid fa-user", placeholder = 'Tenant Information.', information = 'Tenant tenant is not at home at night.', price = 1000},
            [4] = {icon = "fa-solid fa-user", placeholder = 'Tenant Information.', information = 'Tenant is out of the house between 11:00 and 21:00.', price = 1000},
    ['9'] = {
        image = 'house_9.png',
        address = {street = 'Didion Dr.', zone = 'Vinewood Hills'},
        difficultyLevel = 3, -- 1 / 2 / 3
        lockpickType = 'advanced', -- CL.Lockpick
        lockpickItem = 'lockpick_advanced',
        lockpickRemove = 1, -- 0 = Don't remove, 1 = Remove on use, 2 = Remove only on done
        robberyTimeout = 120 * 60, -- 120 minutes

        requiredPolices = 8,

        interior = 'Apt28',
        enterCoords = vector4(-406.44, 567.45, 124.6, 152.91),
        turnOffElectricity = vector4(-402.12, 576.28, 124.62, 152.26),
        loot = {
            [1] = {
                coords = vector4(-39.1, -587.1, 77.83, 68.79),
                isSafe = 'prop_ld_int_safe_01',
                animation = {"anim@scripted@cbr1@ig1_washmach_grab_cash@heeled@", "grab", 1500, 1},
                money = 'cash',
                count = {5000, 20000},
            [2] = {
                coords = vector4(-41.6, -585.03, 78.52, 142.31),
                animation = {"anim@scripted@player@freemode@tun_prep_grab_midd_ig3@heeled@", "tun_prep_grab_midd_ig3", 800, 1},
                probablyLoots = {
                    ['perfume'] = {spawnChance = 82, count = 1},
            [3] = {
                coords = vector4(-25.79, -578.02, 78.23, 20.08),
                animation = {"anim@scripted@player@freemode@tun_prep_ig1_grab_low@male@", "grab_low", 800, 1},
                probablyLoots = {
                    ['flowers_1'] = {spawnChance = 80, count = 1},
                    ['statue_art_2'] = {spawnChance = 60, count = 1},
                    ['statue_art_3'] = {spawnChance = 55, count = 1},
            [4] = {
                coords = vector4(-16.22, -583.22, 79.25, 201.87),
                animation = {"anim@scripted@player@mission@tun_table_grab@gold@", "grab", 900, 1},
                probablyLoots = {
                    ['laptop'] = {spawnChance = 70, count = 1},
                    ['money_bundle_1'] = {spawnChance = 62, count = {300, 800}},
                    ['money_bundle_2'] = {spawnChance = 55, count = {700, 4200}},
                    ['bleuterd_champagne'] = {spawnChance = 72, count = 1},
            [5] = {
                coords = vector4(-13.68, -587.11, 79.385, 31.42),
                animation = {"anim@scripted@player@freemode@tun_prep_grab_midd_ig3@heeled@", "tun_prep_grab_midd_ig3", 800, 1},
                probablyLoots = {
                    ['kettle'] = {spawnChance = 80, count = 1},
                    ['pot'] = {spawnChance = 75, count = 1},
                    ['mixer'] = {spawnChance = 78, count = 1},
                    ['toaster'] = {spawnChance = 82, count = 1},
            [6] = {
                coords = vector4(-11.96, -599.89, 78.43, 161.19),
                targetSize = vector3(2.0, 0.8, 5.3),
                isCabinet = true,
                animation = {"anim@scripted@player@fix_chop_petting@male@", "petting", 3500, 1},
                probablyLoots = {
                    ['weapon_pistol'] = {spawnChance = 30, count = 1},
            [7] = {
                coords = vector4(-7.47, -595.93, 78.43, 247.76),
                animation = {"veh@common@motorbike@low@ps", "pickup", 700, 1},
                probablyLoots = {
                    ['speaker'] = {spawnChance = 60, count = 1},
                    ['pc'] = {spawnChance = 72, count = 1},
            [8] = {
                coords = vector4(-31.97, -583.99, 77.87, 250.0),
                targetSize = vector3(3.3, 0.75, 2.3),
                isCabinet = true,
                animation = {"anim@scripted@cbr1@ig1_washmach_grab_cash@heeled@", "grab", 1500, 1},
                probablyLoots = {
                    ['money_bundle_1'] = {spawnChance = 62, count = {300, 800}},
                    ['money_counter'] = {spawnChance = 62, count = 1},
                    ['bong'] = {spawnChance = 78, count = 1},
                    ['laptop'] = {spawnChance = 70, count = 1},
                    ['watch_1'] = {spawnChance = 21, count = 1},
            [9] = {
                coords = vector3(-39.97, -589.38, 78.77),
                animation = {"anim@scripted@player@mission@tun_table_grab@gold@", "grab", 900, 1},
                probablyLoots = {
                    ['cocaine'] = {spawnChance = 62, count = {12, 26}},
                    ['watch_1'] = {spawnChance = 20, count = 1},
                    ['watch_2'] = {spawnChance = 20, count = 1},
                    ['necklace_2'] = {spawnChance = 25, count = 1},
        tenants = {
            [1] = {
                model = 's_m_m_armoured_01',
                isArmedWith = 'weapon_assaultrifle_mk2', -- when the player wakes him up, attacks him with this weapon
                hoursAtHome = {0, 23}, -- Tenant 1 will be home from 7:00 to 10:00 and will not sleep
                activitesAtHome = {
                    {coords = vector4(-13.98, -588.18, 78.43, 85.47)},
            [2] = {
                model = 's_m_m_armoured_02',
                isArmedWith = 'weapon_specialcarbine_mk2', -- when the player wakes him up, attacks him with this weapon
                hoursAtHome = {0, 23}, -- Tenant 1 will be home from 7:00 to 10:00 and will not sleep
                activitesAtHome = {
                    {coords = vector4(-24.35, -579.28, 78.24, 204.59)},
            [3] = {
                model = 's_m_m_armoured_02',
                isArmedWith = 'weapon_tacticalrifle', -- when the player wakes him up, attacks him with this weapon
                hoursAtHome = {0, 23}, -- Tenant 1 will be home from 7:00 to 10:00 and will not sleep
                activitesAtHome = {
                    {coords = vector4(-36.98, -583.96, 77.83, 237.85)},
            [4] = {
                model = 's_m_m_armoured_02',
                isArmedWith = 'weapon_bullpuprifle_mk2', -- when the player wakes him up, attacks him with this weapon
                hoursAtHome = {0, 23}, -- Tenant 1 will be home from 7:00 to 10:00 and will not sleep
                activitesAtHome = {
                    {coords = vector4(-7.85, -596.86, 78.43, 73.14)},
            [5] = {
                model = 's_m_y_westsec_01',
                isArmedWith = 'weapon_sawnoffshotgun', -- when the player wakes him up, attacks him with this weapon
                hoursAtHome = {7, 18}, -- Tenant 1 will be home from 7:00 to 18:00 and will not sleep
                hoursAreSleeping = {22, 6}, -- Tenant 1 will sleep from 22:00 to 6:00
                activitesAtHome = {
                    {coords = vector4(-25.39, -583.19, 78.23, 251.67), animation = {'timetable@ron@ig_3_couch', 'base'}},
                    {coords = vector4(-26.81, -578.88, 78.23, 242.15), animation = {'timetable@ron@ig_3_couch', 'base'}},
                    {coords = vector4(-21.5, -582.57, 78.23, 72.16), animation = {'timetable@ron@ig_3_couch', 'base'}},
                    {coords = vector4(-34.58, -583.18, 77.9, 252.3), animation = {'timetable@ron@ig_3_couch', 'base'}},
                sleeping = {
                    coords = vector4(-35.89, -582.06, 78.5, 159.85),
                    animation = {'anim@amb@nightclub@lazlow@lo_sofa@', 'lowsofa_dlg_fuckedup_laz'},
        laserDetectors = {
            {startCoords = vector3(-16.03, -590.39, 79.4), endCoords = vector3(-21.26, -589.0, 79.4)},
            {startCoords = vector3(-31.41, -586.22, 78.5), endCoords = vector3(-32.14, -588.1, 78.5)},
        camerasDetectors = {
            {prop = 'hei_prop_bank_cctv_02', propCoords = vector4(-23.48, -582.76, 82.2, 0.0), detectorCoords = vector3(-23.55, -582.78, 78.25), detectorRadius = 4.25}
        requirements = {
            [1] = "You need Lockpick Advanced.",
        informations = {
            [1] = {icon = "fa-solid fa-key", placeholder = 'Security Information.', information = 'The house is secured inside with detection lasers and cameras.', price = 350},
            [2] = {icon = "fa-solid fa-key", placeholder = 'Security Information.', information = 'Armed guards are present in the house at all times.', price = 350},
            [3] = {icon = "fa-solid fa-magnifying-glass-dollar", placeholder = 'Loot Information.', information = 'You can find expensive jewelry in the house.', price = 120},
            [4] = {icon = "fa-solid fa-user", placeholder = 'Tenant Information.', information = 'Tenants may have firearms with them.', price = 400},
            [5] = {icon = "fa-solid fa-user", placeholder = 'Tenant Information.', information = 'Tenants sleep through the night.', price = 1000},
            [6] = {icon = "fa-solid fa-user", placeholder = 'Tenant Information.', information = 'Tenant is out of the house between 19:00 and 21:00.', price = 1000},

Last updated