Full View config.clerks.lua
Preview File Updated: v1.0.3 - 11.12.2024
Config.ClerkMenu = {
enabled = true,
requiredJob = 'clerk',
requiredGrades = {
['0'] = {
label = 'Trainee',
menuAccess = {
-- The lack of options will prevent the menu from starting
['1'] = {
label = 'Clerk',
menuAccess = {
['players-and-vehicles'] = true,
['2'] = {
label = 'Senior Clerk',
menuAccess = {
['business-taxes'] = true,
['players-and-vehicles'] = true,
['3'] = {
label = 'Department Head',
menuAccess = {
['business-taxes'] = true,
['players-and-vehicles'] = true,
['employees'] = true,
allowEmployeesManage = false,
['4'] = {
label = 'Director',
menuAccess = {
['business-taxes'] = true,
['players-and-vehicles'] = true,
['employees'] = true,
['boss-management'] = true,
needToBeBoss = true, -- need be the boss to grant this grade to an employee
allowEmployeesManage = true,
allowBalanceManage = false,
['5'] = {
label = 'Chief Executive Officer',
menuAccess = {
['business-taxes'] = true,
['players-and-vehicles'] = true,
['employees'] = true,
['boss-management'] = true,
isBoss = true,
needToBeBoss = true, -- need be the boss to grant this grade to an employee
allowEmployeesManage = true,
allowBalanceManage = true,
-- societyName = 'society_clerk',
command = 'clerk',
description = 'Clerk Tablet',
key = nil,
item = 'clerk_tablet',
debugZoneAccess = false,
useOnlyZoneAccess = true,
zoneAccess = {
vec2(-557.75, -275.48),
vec2(-474.74, -241.77),
vec2(-472.78, -238.14),
vec2(-474.09, -230.38),
vec2(-520.02, -151.72),
vec2(-608.49, -187.8),
zoneAccessMinZ = 34.0,
zoneAccessMaxZ = 60.0,
---@field UseBuildInCompanyBalance boolean: If you dont want to use the balance built into the Management Menu, set this to false and configure config.server.lua to be compatible with your server, for example a script for banks that may have company accounts
Config.UseBuildInCompanyBalance = true
Config.RemoveBalanceFromMenu = false -- if you are using other than our prepared esx_society or buildet-in balance, set it true
Config.ESXSocietyEvents = {
['check'] = 'esx_society:checkSocietyBalance',
['withdraw'] = 'esx_society:withdrawMoney',
['deposit'] = 'esx_society:depositMoney',
Config.RequiredJobToBeHired = 'unemployed'
Last updated
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